Report 2017-116 Recommendation 7 Responses

Report 2017-116: Community Child Care Council of Santa Clara County: Because It Disadvantaged Some Families and Misused State Funds, It Could Benefit From Increased Monitoring by the California Department of Education (Release Date: April 2018)

Recommendation #7 To: Community Child Care Council of Santa Clara County

To ensure that staff possess the required knowledge and skills to assist families with child-care programs, 4Cs should develop and implement procedures by October 2018 to identify staff training needs and create orientation and training plans to meet those needs.

6-Month Agency Response

Each program has an established training plan in place for staff. Subsidy Department (CAPP, C2AP, C3AP, CFCC, CCTR) have completed training plans. Each program (R&R, Subsidy, CFCC, CCTR) tracks staff development activities on a Training Tracking spreadsheet. Sign in sheets and staff signed Acknowledgement of Training Received forms are used to document staff's participation in training activities. Supporting Documentation: "Staff Development Plans and Training Tracking Spreadsheet."

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

4Cs provided documentation of its procedures and implementation efforts for identifying staff training needs, including creating orientation and training plans.

60-Day Agency Response

4C Council has completed staff training on 4/18/2018 for the 24 month pilot program. 4C Council is currently developing a step by step training and procedure for all case managers. We will be modifying the Case Management Procedure Handbook to incorporate the changes to regulations effective July 1, 2017 and 24-Month Pilot Project changes, effective January 12, 2018. (Supporting documentation submitted "Case Management Procedure Handbook_To Be Revised")

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

We look forward to reviewing 4Cs' six-month response to assess the extent to which it is able to implement procedures to identify staff training needs and create orientation and training plans to meet those needs.

All Recommendations in 2017-116

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.