Report 2017-107 Recommendation 2 Responses
Report 2017-107: Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters: Insufficient Policies and Procedures Have Led to Errors That May Have Reduced Voters' Confidence in the Registrar's Office (Release Date: October 2017)
Recommendation #2 To: Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters
Santa Clara should immediately coordinate with Information Services to access the most current maps from other county departments, such as the Santa Clara Assessor, to verify the accuracy of the district maps.
6-Month Agency Response
Progress from the last report includes more frequent access to the Assessor's data for use of verification of data in GIS and EIMS, evidence is attached separately as Supporting Documentation. The Enterprise GIS Committee regular monthly meeting schedule has begun; Agendas and Minutes have been uploaded separately as Supporting Documentation. Various subcommittees have branched out of the Enterprise GIS Committee to which several ROV personnel have been assigned, specifically relating to Countywide GIS Licenses and development of a Countywide Contract for GIS Services, evidence is attached separately as Supporting Documentation.
- Completion Date: January 2018
- Response Date: April 2018
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented
60-Day Agency Response
Originally responded 12/22/17. Since 2013, the Mapping Division has received a report annually from the Santa Clara County Assessor's Office that has been used for proofing district boundaries by verifying which districts belong to which addresses based on the Assessor's active roll. As stated in the State Audit Report (2017-107), a meeting was held in May 2017 with Information Services Department (ISD) representatives, Assistant Registrar of Voters Virginia Bloom, Mapping Division Manager Bob Nguyen, and the State Audit Team, whereat it was determined that more frequent access to the Assessor's rolls would be granted on a quarterly basis. On August 10, 2017, ISD provided the Santa Clara County Statement of Understanding Pertaining to GIS Data to the ROV Mapping Division Manager for execution, allowing for open access (i.e., at any time). Note that the Assessor's open access data sets are designated as "interim reference" data, except when released as part of the published annual roll. On December 14, 2017, Virginia Bloom and Bob Nguyen attended the kickoff County-wide Enterprise GIS committee meeting, and as committee members plan to attend and request relevant GIS data-sharing agenda items be added to future meetings. The signed Understanding Pertaining to GIS Data and materials related to the Enterprise GIS committee meeting have been attached separately as Supporting Documentation. An update to the status of this recommendation will be made at the next report back to the State Auditors.
- Estimated Completion Date: March 2018
- Response Date: December 2017
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
All Recommendations in 2017-107
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.