Report 2017-102 Recommendation 14 Responses
Report 2017-102: California Community Colleges: The Colleges Reviewed Are Not Adequately Monitoring Services for Technology Accessibility, and Districts and Colleges Should Formalize Procedures for Upgrading Technology (Release Date: December 2017)
Recommendation #14 To: Cerritos Community College District
To increase the transparency of its annual review process, by June 2018, Cerritos should establish procedures requiring its departments to document attendees, input received, and agreements reached during meetings to consider instructional technology equipment requests.
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From November 2020
The planning process is well defined written process starting with department chairs filling out annual Unit Plans. These plans are completed in our planning system called "Program Review Plus", locally developed software. Unit plans are developed by first reviewing program review evidence/data in order to identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, or Threats (SWOT). After the department completes the SWOT analysis, the unit sets goals. Activities are then determined by the department to accomplish the goals, which may require resources for personnel, software, equipment, etc. Department meeting minutes will be provided to the division office documenting these discussions. The next several steps in the resource allocation process reinforce the importance of dialogue in decision-making processes at Cerritos College. Cerritos College believes its annual review process is open and transparency and well established. Annually during our shared governance meeting - "Planning and Budget Committee" we discuss ways in improving the process. Evaluate what works and what does not. Cerritos College has implemented the recommendation above.
- Completion Date: July 2018
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: No Action Taken
Cerritos did not provide documentation showing it has established procedures requiring its departments to document attendees, the input received, and the agreements reached during meetings to consider instructional technology equipment requests.
- Auditee did not substantiate its claim of full implementation
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2019
The planning process is well defined starting with department chairs filling out annual Unit Plans. These plans are completed in Program Review Plus, locally developed software. Unit plans are developed by first reviewing program review evidence/data in order to identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, or Threats (SWOT). After the department completes the SWOT analysis, the unit sets goals. Activities are then determined by the department to accomplish the goals, which may require resources for personnel, software, equipment, etc. Department meeting minutes will be provided to the division office documenting these discussions. The next several steps in the resource allocation process reinforce the importance of dialogue in decision-making processes at Cerritos College.
- Completion Date: July 2018
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: No Action Taken
Cerritos did not provide documentation showing it has established procedures requiring its departments to document attendees, the input received, and the agreements reached during meetings to consider instructional technology equipment requests.
- Auditee did not substantiate its claim of full implementation
1-Year Agency Response
The annual planning process for 2018-19 is complete. The planning process is well defined starting with department chairs filling out annual Unit Plans. These plans are completed in Program Review Plus, locally developed software. Unit plans are developed by first reviewing program review evidence/data in order to identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, or Threats (SWOT). After the department completes the SWOT analysis, the unit sets goals. Activities are then determined by the department to accomplish the goals, which may require resources for personnel, software, equipment, etc. Department meeting minutes will be provided to the division office documenting these discussions. The next several steps in the resource allocation process reinforce the importance of dialogue in decision-making processes at Cerritos College.
Supporting documentation will be submitted.
- Completion Date: July 2018
- Response Date: December 2018
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: No Action Taken
The documentation provided by Cerritos College does not include procedures requiring its departments to document attendees, the input received, and the agreements reached during meetings to consider instructional technology requirement requests.
- Auditee did not substantiate its claim of full implementation
6-Month Agency Response
The annual planning process for 2018-19 is complete. The planning process is well defined starting with department chairs filling out annual Unit Plans. These plans are completed in Program Review Plus, locally developed software. Unit plans are developed by first reviewing program review evidence/data in order to identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, or Threats (SWOT). After the department completes the SWOT analysis, the unit sets goals. Activities are then determined by the department to accomplish the goals, which may require resources for personnel, software, equipment, etc. Department meeting minutes will be provided to the division office documenting these discussions. The next several steps in the resource allocation process reinforce the importance of dialogue in decision-making processes at Cerritos College.
Supporting documentation will be submitted.
- Completion Date: March 2018
- Response Date: June 2018
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending
Cerritos indicated it would provide documentation to support its response to this recommendation with its one-year response. We will evaluate the status of its implementation at that time.
- Auditee did not substantiate its claim of full implementation
60-Day Agency Response
The annual planning process is well defined starting with department chairs filling out annual Unit Plans. These plans are completed in Program Review Plus, locally developed software. Unit plans are developed by first reviewing program review evidence/data in order to identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, or Threats (SWOT). After the department completes the SWOT analysis, the unit sets goals. Activities are then determined by the department to accomplish the goals, which may require resources for personnel, software, equipment, etc. Department meeting minutes will be provided to the division office documenting these discussions. The next several steps in the resource allocation process reinforce the importance of dialogue in decision-making processes at Cerritos College.
Supporting documentation will be submitted to better show this process by June 30, 2018.
- Estimated Completion Date: June 30, 2018
- Response Date: February 2018
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
All Recommendations in 2017-102
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.