Report 2017-102 Recommendation 11 Responses
Report 2017-102: California Community Colleges: The Colleges Reviewed Are Not Adequately Monitoring Services for Technology Accessibility, and Districts and Colleges Should Formalize Procedures for Upgrading Technology (Release Date: December 2017)
Recommendation #11 To: Cerritos Community College District
To ensure that all instructors are aware of the accessibility standards for instructional materials, Cerritos should include in its next collective bargaining negotiations a requirement for instructors to periodically attend accessibility trainings.
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From November 2020
Cerritos College and Faculty Senate have developed professional learning opportunities to all faculty while also providing a comprehensive information location of faculty resources through the Teaching Excellence (CTX) program. CTX is operated through Faculty Senate to provide new and current employees training on universal access. CTX has provided trainings to faculty regarding related areas such as accessibility, ensuring instructional materials are accessible and video captioning.
- Completion Date: January 2020
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: No Action Taken
Although Cerritos discusses developing learning opportunities for faculty and providing trainings on accessibility, its response does not describe requiring all instructors to attend trainings or including such a requirement as part of the collective bargaining agreement. As we state on page 23 of our report, without requiring faculty to attend accessibility training, colleges cannot ensure that faculty are aware of their responsibility to comply with accessibility requirements for the instructional materials they use. Thus, Cerritos' response does not address our recommendation.
- Auditee did not substantiate its claim of full implementation
- Auditee did not address all aspects of the recommendation
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2019
Cerritos College and Faculty Senate worked on developing professional learning opportunities to all faculty while also providing a comprehensive information location of faculty resources through the Teaching Excellence (CTX) program. CTX is operated through Faculty Senate to provide new and current employees training on universal access. CTX has provided trainings to faculty regarding related areas such as accessibility, ensuring instructional materials are accessible and video captioning.
- Completion Date: November 2018
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: No Action Taken
Although Cerritos discusses developing learning opportunities for faculty and providing trainings on accessibility, it's cover letter to us stated that it did not mandate trainings and did not include as part of the collective bargaining agreement. As we state on page 23 of our report, without requiring faculty to attend accessibility training, colleges cannot ensure that faculty are aware of their responsibility to comply with accessibility requirements for the instructional materials they use. Thus, Cerritos' response does not address our recommendation.
- Auditee did not substantiate its claim of full implementation
- Auditee did not address all aspects of the recommendation
1-Year Agency Response
Cerritos College and Faculty Senate worked on developing professional learning opportunities to all faculty while also providing a comprehensive information location of faculty resources through the Teaching Excellence (CTX) program. CTX is operated through Faculty Senate to provide new and current employees training on universal access.
CTX has provided trainings to faculty regarding related areas such as accessibility, ensuring instructional materials are accessible and video captioning. See supporting documents.
- Completion Date: November 2018
- Response Date: December 2018
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: No Action Taken
Although Cerritos discusses developing learning opportunities for faculty and provided trainings on accessibility, it does not indicate a requirement for instructors to periodically attend accessibility trainings. As we state on page 23 of our report, without requiring faculty to attend accessibility training, colleges cannot ensure that faculty are aware of their responsibility to comply with accessibility requirements for the instructional materials they use. Thus, Cerritos' response does not address our recommendation.
- Auditee did not substantiate its claim of full implementation
- Auditee did not address all aspects of the recommendation
6-Month Agency Response
Cerritos College has met with representatives of the College's constituent groups and Faculty Senate to provide new and current employees training on universal access.
Cerritos College continues to work with the Universal Access Task Force to make available tools, tips, tutorials, and guidelines to all employees to ensure that accessibility is considered at the time of adoption of instructional materials and purchase of information technology products.
- Estimated Completion Date: December 31, 2018
- Response Date: June 2018
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending
60-Day Agency Response
Cerritos College has met with representatives of the College's constituent groups to provide new and current employees training on universal access. This includes, but is not limited to awareness of Board Policy and Administrative Procedure 3411, embedded training during the onboarding process and periodically offer universal access training for flex credit. Cerritos College is working with the Universal Access Task Force to make available tools, tips, tutorials, and guidelines to all employees to ensure that accessibility is considered at the time of adoption of instructional materials and purchase of information technology products.
However, it is unrealistic to include this in a collective bargaining agreement without negatively impacting the general operations budget.
- Estimated Completion Date: June 30, 2018
- Response Date: February 2018
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
We appreciate the efforts that Cerritos is taking to address our recommendation and look forward to reviewing documentation of its efforts in June 2018. However, as we state on page 23 of our report, without requiring faculty to attend accessibility training, colleges cannot ensure that faculty are aware of their responsibility to comply with accessibility requirements for the instructional materials they use. Therefore, we stand by our recommendation that Cerritos should include in its next collective bargaining negotiations a requirement for instructors to periodically attend accessibility trainings.
All Recommendations in 2017-102
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.