Report 2016-301 Recommendation 11 Responses
Report 2016-301: Judicial Branch Procurement: The Five Superior Courts We Reviewed Mostly Adhered to Required and Recommended Practices, but Some Improvements Are Needed (Release Date: November 2016)
Recommendation #11 To: Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo
To ensure that it properly authorizes payments and purchases only allowable items, the San Mateo court should process payments in accordance with the requirements and recommended practices of the Judicial Council and the State. Specifically, the San Mateo court should make sure that it is receiving the goods and services it ordered. It should also pay vendors only after verifying receipt of the goods or services.
60-Day Agency Response
The Judicial Council's Trial Court Policy and Procedures Manual, section 6.2.2 of FIN 8.01, and JBCM 10.3 both address the payment approval process. The court revised Section 7.9 (General Conditions) of its Local Court Contracting Manual (see page 16) by adding item D as follows: "Inspection of Goods and Services. Consistent with JBCM 10.3 and section 6.2.2 of FIN 8.01, department managers are required to send all pertinent documents relating to the acquisition of goods and services to the accounts payable unit prior to payment. Managers must sign delivery packing slips but only when all goods have been received."
The court's Deputy Court Executive Officer informed applicable managers, supervisors, and staff of this change to the court's local manual and the court's Finance Director discussed the requirement with accounts payable staff.
- Completion Date: January 2017
- Response Date: January 2017
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Fully Implemented
All Recommendations in 2016-301
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.