Report 2016-141 Recommendation 27 Responses
Report 2016-141: Charter Schools: Some School Districts Improperly Authorized and Inadequately Monitored Out‑of‑District Charter Schools (Release Date: October 2017)
Recommendation #27 To: Antelope Valley Union High School District
To ensure compliance with state law, Antelope Valley Union should immediately track its actual costs for providing oversight and verify that its oversight fees do not exceed legal limits.
6-Month Agency Response
In accordance with Ed.Code 47613, and AVUHSD Board Policy BP 0420.41 under Charter School Oversight, the AVUHSD's annual oversight fee is capped at 1% of the general purpose revenue received by the Charter School, as defined in Ed. Code 47632. The AVUHSD invoices its independent charter annually for payments due and has created an "oversight costs log template," to track oversight costs weekly that involve monitoring and oversight of charters. (See Attachment-27) For any follow-up questions, contact Julianne Vela- Director of Categorical and Special Programs- -(661) 952-2249.
- Completion Date: March 2018
- Response Date: April 2018
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented
Antelope Valley Union provided a copy of its charter school oversight costs log, which track the weekly oversight hours that the district's director of categorical and special programs spends.
60-Day Agency Response
In accordance with Ed.Code 47613, the AVUHSD's annual oversight fee is capped at 1% of the general purpose revenue received by the Charter School, as defined in Ed. Code 47632 and indicated in the AVUHSD Charter Board Policy -Administrative Rules and Regulations, "The district may charge for the actual costs of supervisorial oversight of a charter school not to exceed one percent of the charter school's revenue. "The AVUHSD is in the process of Charter Board Policy review that will include language in Board Policy-Administrative Rules and Regulations addressing oversight fees. Items to be addressed will include the 1% cap, the timeline for district invoicing with payments due, and the "oversight costs log template," to track oversight costs that involve monitoring and oversight of charters. The oversight costs log template sections will align with revised Board Policy and MOU Charter requirements for oversight(see attachment). For any follow-up questions, contact Julianne Vela- Director of Categorical and Special Programs- -(661) 952-2249.
- Estimated Completion Date: 4/17/18
- Response Date: December 2017
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
Per Antelope Valley Union's response, its implementation of this recommendation is currently pending.
All Recommendations in 2016-141
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.