Report 2016-125.1 Recommendation Responses
Report 2016-125.1: The University of California Office of the President: It Has Not Adequately Ensured Compliance With Its Employee Displacement and Services Contract Policies (Release Date: August 2017)
Recommendation for Legislative Action
To ensure that the university maximizes the use of competition, the Legislature should revise the Public Contract Code to narrowly define the professional and personal services that the university may exempt from competitive bidding.
Description of Legislative Action
The Legislature did not take action in the 2021-2022 legislative session to address this specific recommendation.
- Legislative Action Current As-of: October 2022
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: No Action Taken
The Legislature did not take action in the 2021-2022 legislative session to address this specific recommendation.
Description of Legislative Action
As of August 22, 2021, the Legislature has not taken action to address this specific recommendation.
- Legislative Action Current As-of: August 2021
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: No Action Taken
Description of Legislative Action
As of August 22, 2020, the Legislature has not taken action to address this specific recommendation.
- Legislative Action Current As-of: August 2020
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: No Action Taken
Description of Legislative Action
The Legislature has not taken action to address this specific recommendation.
- Legislative Action Current As-of: August 2019
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: No Action Taken
Description of Legislative Action
The Legislature has not taken action to address this specific recommendation.
- Legislative Action Current As-of: August 2018
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: No Action Taken
Description of Legislative Action
Legislation has not been introduced to address this specific recommendation. However, Assembly Bill 2361 (Weber) was introduced on February 13, 2018, and would require a contractor with the University of California (UC), in order to qualify as the lowest responsible bidder or best value awardee, or otherwise to perform any service work for the UC, to agree in writing, in advance, to provide the UC and the State Controller's Office (Controller) with specified information relating to the scope of the contract. The UC would be required to provide specified information regarding each employee of the contractor performing service work at a UC location or for the benefit of the UC who was not an employee of the UC to the Controller by January 31 of each year, and the Controller would be required to post this information on its website by March 31 of each year. If an employee of a contractor objects in writing to the publication of his or her name, the Controller may substitute a unique identifier in place of that individual's name and shall use the same unique identifier for that individual for all periods of time worked by that individual.
- Legislative Action Current As-of: February 2018
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: No Action Taken
Description of Legislative Action
SB 574 (Lara) would have provided that to qualify as a lowest responsible bidder or best value awardee on any contract for specified positions a bidder must certify in writing to the university that the bid includes, for all employees who work for more than 10 days at the university in any 12-month period under the contract, a total employee compensation package that is valued on a per-employee basis at a level sufficient that it does not undercut by more than 5 percent the average per-employee value of total compensation for employees of the University of California who perform comparable work at the relevant campus, medical center, or laboratory at which the bidder proposes to perform the work. This bill was vetoed by the Governor.
- Legislative Action Current As-of: November 2017