Report 2016-121 Recommendation Responses
Report 2016-121: Department of Motor Vehicles: Administrative and Statutory Changes Will Improve Its Ability to Detect and Deter Misuse of Disabled Person Parking Placards (Release Date: April 2017)
Recommendation for Legislative Action
To increase DMV oversight of applications for placards or plates, the Legislature should modify current law to require DMV to conduct at least quarterly audits of a selection of applications for disabled placards or plates and to seek the health boards' cooperation in doing so.
Description of Legislative Action
Senate Bill 611 (Hill, Chapter 485, Statues of 2017) requires DMV to conduct a quarterly random audit of applications submitted for these plates or placards and to seek the assistance of the Medical Board of California or the appropriate regulatory boards in conducting the audits.
- Legislative Action Current As-of: October 2017