Report 2016-112 All Recommendation Responses

Report 2016-112: School Library Services: Vague State Laws and a Lack of Monitoring Allow School Districts to Provide a Minimal Level of Library Services (Release Date: November 2016)

Recommendation for Legislative Action

To ensure that students receive a level of library services that better aligns with the model standards, the Legislature should define the minimum level and types of library services that schools must provide.

Description of Legislative Action

As of November 17, 2021, the Legislature has not taken action to address this specific recommendation.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: No Action Taken

Description of Legislative Action

As of November 17, 2020, the Legislature has not taken action to address this specific recommendation.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: No Action Taken

Description of Legislative Action

As of November 2019, the Legislature has not taken action to address this specific recommendation.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: No Action Taken

Description of Legislative Action

The Legislature has not taken action to address this specific recommendation.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: No Action Taken

Description of Legislative Action

SB 399 (Mendoza) would have added consideration of the Model School Library Standards for California Public Schools, including how libraries and certificated teacher librarians can help improve the critical thinking, research skills, and digital citizenship of pupils, to the state priority areas that local educational agencies are required to address in their Local Control and Accountability Plans. This bill was vetoed by the Governor.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Legislation Vetoed

Recommendation for Legislative Action

To ensure that students receive a level of library services that better aligns with the model standards, the Legislature should broaden the authority of Teacher Credentialing and the county offices of education to address classified staff who perform duties that require certification.

Description of Legislative Action

As of November 17, 2021, the Legislature has not taken action to address this specific recommendation.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: No Action Taken

Description of Legislative Action

As of November 17, 2020, the Legislature has not taken action to address this specific recommendation.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: No Action Taken

Description of Legislative Action

As of November 2019, the Legislature has not taken action to address this specific recommendation.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: No Action Taken

Description of Legislative Action

The Legislature has not taken action to address this specific recommendation.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: No Action Taken

Description of Legislative Action

Legislation was not introduced to address this specific recommendation.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: No Action Taken

Recommendation #3 To: Redlands Unified School District

To strengthen its library programs and help the State assess the condition of school libraries statewide, Redlands Unified should ensure that teacher librarians are involved in the selection of library materials at each school.

6-Month Agency Response

Each trimester Teacher Librarian/para/hourly and volunteer library personnel meet to discuss library protocols, concerns and to collaborate about best practices. Communication and collaboration continue via email. In the 2017-2018 school year, a google suite/classroom will be added for all library personnel to facilitate ease of communication/collaboration beyond email and scheduled Library Meetings.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

The district provided a memo in which it outlined the assignment of high school teacher librarians to four "partner elementary schools." The memo states that the district's high school teacher librarians are to support elementary library personnel with the selection of books, processes, and procedures that are related to library services, effective immediately. In addition, the district provided an email demonstrating that a teacher librarian provided elementary school staff with some guidance related to material selection.

60-Day Agency Response

Redlands USD has assigned teacher librarians to each elementary library. A procedure will be developed at the Library Meetings on January 12, 2017 and May 11. 2017 to ensure that teacher librarians are involved in the selection of library materials at each site.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

Per Redlands Unified's response, its implementation of this recommendation is currently pending.

Recommendation #4 To: Redlands Unified School District

To strengthen its library programs and help the State assess the condition of school libraries statewide, Redlands Unified should consider ways to leverage the teacher librarians it already employs to offer a broader range of services to all grade levels.

6-Month Agency Response

The Library Meetings will continue each Trimester. The meetings have included a plan to collaborate and leverage the teacher librarians to support and offer a broader range of services to all grade levels.

The plan includes the partnering the Teacher Librarians with the elementary schools - Google Suite/Classroom will be available in the Fall of 2017 to help further facilitate the collaboration.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

Redlands Unified provided a copy of its May 2017 Library Meeting minutes and email communications between the district's teacher librarians and classified library staff demonstrating collaboration between its Teacher Librarians and library staff at its elementary schools.

60-Day Agency Response

In the Spring of 2017, Redlands USD will develop a plan in collaboration with Teacher Librarians and elementary library personnel to leverage the Teacher Librarians to offer a broader range of services to all grade levels.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

Per Redlands Unified's response, its implementation of this recommendation is currently pending.

Recommendation #5 To: Redlands Unified School District

To strengthen its library programs and help the State assess the condition of school libraries statewide, Redlands Unified should use the model standards to assess the needs of its school library programs and address any identified needs during its LCAP process.

60-Day Agency Response

During the LCAP process, Redlands USD is using the Library Model Standards to assess and address the needs and gaps of the school library programs.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Fully Implemented

Redlands Unified provided a copy of the handout and slides related to the Library Standards that it presented at its LCAP Advisory Meeting on January 12th. These documents show that the district is now referring to the model school library standards as part of its LCAP process.

Recommendation #6 To: Redlands Unified School District

To strengthen its library programs and help the State assess the condition of school libraries statewide, Redlands Unified should require its schools to participate in Education's annual school library survey.

6-Month Agency Response

As of 5/5/17 - 21 of the district's 25 schools have completed the Library Survey online. Redlands HS, Cope MS, Orangewood Continuation HS and Moore MS will complete the survey this month. Documentation is available on the following website:

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

Redlands Unified provided evidence that it is now requiring its schools to participate in Education's annual school library survey. In addition, Education's records show a significant improvement in the district's survey participation rates.

60-Day Agency Response

Redlands USD will participate in the Education's annual school library survey once it receives information about the annual school library survey.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

Per Redlands Unified's response, its implementation of this recommendation is currently pending.

Recommendation #7 To: San Juan Unified School District

To strengthen its library programs and help the State assess the condition of school libraries statewide, San Juan Unified should ensure that teacher librarians are involved in the selection of library materials at each school.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2020

Support for library services continues to be provided by a Program Specialist. That responsibility has been transferred from the English-language arts Program Specialist in the Professional Learning and Curriculum Innovation Department to the Instructional Technology Program Specialist in the same department. Every comprehensive high school has 1 FTE teacher librarian. Those teacher librarians have created a system to support the media clerks at their feeder schools (elementary, middle, and K-8) in their geographic regions. This support includes providing input on materials purchased for the libraries when called upon to do so.

Timeline and individuals responsible:

Fall of 2018: Prog. Specialist for Instructional Technology assumed the support role for teacher librarians

Fall 2018: Teacher Librarians shared their chart for the schools they each support with the Program Specialist.

Spring 2019-Present: Teacher Librarians reach out to site media clerks to offer support and input on library purchases

Spring 2019-Present: Monthly Teacher Librarian meetings occur, during which best practices are shared, including how they support their feeder schools. Program Specialist attends those meetings to support Teacher Librarians, receive their input, and provide updates.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Fully Implemented

The district provided a copy of a teacher-librarian directory and a district newsletter to support its assertions. The newsletter notifies its elementary, k-8, and middle school library/media clerks that they can use the teacher-librarian directory for support. As a result, teacher-librarians may now be involved in the selection of materials at each school.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2018

Teacher librarians are involved key in selection of library materials at the high schools where they are employed. Their involvement in library selections at elementary and middle schools is incumbent on school staff reaching out to their assigned teacher librarian. (Each elementary and middle school have a teacher librarian assigned to assist their site.) Material selection at elementary and middle schools is guided typically through conversation with site administrators, content area teachers, and library staff. District staff is exploring ways to collaborate with teacher librarians in the selection of library materials across the district.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Pending

San Juan Unified's response indicates that it has not fully implemented this recommendation and that its staff are exploring ways to collaborate with teacher librarians in the selection of library materials across the district.

1-Year Agency Response

In spring 2017, teacher librarians submitted a draft selection policy to support their involvement in the selection of library materials at sites. That selection policy is currently under review and it will be finalized once all stakeholders have an opportunity to provide input.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Pending

Per San Juan Unified's response, its implementation of this recommendation is currently pending.

6-Month Agency Response

Teacher librarians, in conjunction with the Program Specialist for English-language arts, are drafting guidelines and recommendations for school library material selection. This role was included in the revised Board Policy 6163.1 approved by the Board of Education. These recommendations will be rolled out electronically to all schools and through professional development sessions during 2017-18 in support of libraries across the district.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending

Per San Juan Unified's response, its implementation of this recommendation is currently pending.

60-Day Agency Response

Support for library services has been added to the responsibility of the English-language arts Program Specialist in the Professional Learning and Curriculum Innovation department. A preliminary planning meeting was held on January 4, 2017 to outline the next steps and responsibilities. Revision of Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 6163.1 with a board vote on February 28, 2017. Subsequently approval of the administrative regulations by senior management is calendared for March 6, 2017. A planning meeting with key teacher librarians will occur by the end of March 2017 to outline the next steps based upon the approved board policy and administrative regulations. Beginning with this meeting, the English-language arts Program Specialist and district teacher librarians will discuss ways to ensure such involvement. Based upon the board policy and administrative regulation language, a protocol will be developed that allows teacher librarians to play a greater role in the selection of library materials at each school.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

Per San Juan Unified's response, its implementation of this recommendation is currently pending.

Recommendation #8 To: San Juan Unified School District

To strengthen its library programs and help the State assess the condition of school libraries statewide, San Juan Unified should consider ways to leverage the teacher librarians it already employs to offer a broader range of services to all grade levels.

6-Month Agency Response

Board Policy 6163.1 was approved by the Board of Education on April 18, 2017. The accompanying Administrative Regulations are currently being revised. Additionally, the teacher librarians, working with district staff, have identified several areas of work which will strengthen libraries and library services in the district including library processes and protocols, professional learning focused on library staff at elementary and middle schools, and recommended selection criteria for purchase of school library materials. Professional development on Fake News/Information Literacy was held on 3/26/17 and on Accessing Research Databases from the Sacramento Public Library was held on 4/26/11. Planning for additional teacher librarian-sponsored professional learning occurred on 5/11/17 at the monthly meeting.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

The district provided its revised board policy and evidence demonstrating that it is working with its teacher librarians to develop professional learning opportunities for its teachers. As a result, the district is now using its teacher librarians to provide a broader range of school library services than it had previously provided.

60-Day Agency Response

Support for library services has been added to the responsibility of the English-language arts Program Specialist in the Professional Learning and Curriculum Innovation department. Following adoption of the revised Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 6163.1, , the English-language arts Program Specialist working with district teacher librarians will identify a range of services that can be offered to all schools. Once the scope of services is defined, a timeline for rollout will be developed.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

Per San Juan Unified's response, its implementation of this recommendation is currently pending.

Recommendation #9 To: San Juan Unified School District

To strengthen its library programs and help the State assess the condition of school libraries statewide, San Juan Unified should use the model standards to assess the needs of its school library programs and address any identified needs during its LCAP process.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2021

No library needs have been identified as LCAP action items.

We have developed a needs assessment and continuous improvement tool that will allow us to examine the data from the state School Library Survey through the lens of the School Library Program Standards (from the Model School Library Standards). In collaboration with the teacher-librarians who function as our leads in the school district regions, we used this tool in 2019 to examine school site data from the state School Library Survey and set goals for progress monitoring.

Fall 2019: Teacher Librarians reviewed the state school library survey. They analyzed the results of each question for each of their feeder schools to better understand the needs of their feeder schools and support their programs.

Spring 2020: Teacher Librarians reached out to site media clerks of their feeder schools to offer support.

Every comprehensive high school has 1 FTE teacher librarian. Those teacher librarians have created a system to support the textbook clerks at their feeder schools (elementary, middle, and K-8) in their geographic regions. This support includes providing input on book purchases when called upon to do so. Such input is provided in alignment with the Model School Library Standards in order to meet the needs of each school's library.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Fully Implemented

San Juan Unified provided copies of its analyses of the state school library survey data. Specifically, the analyses showed that the district's teacher librarians assessed the degree to which schools under their purview met the school library standards. As noted in its response, the district's analysis determined that no library needs were identified as LCAP action items.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2020

We have developed a needs assessment and continuous improvement tool that will allow us to examine the data from the state School Library Survey through the lens of the School Library Program Standards (from the Model School Library Standards). In collaboration with the teacher-librarians who function as our leads in the school district regions, we used this tool to examine school site data from the state School Library Survey and set goals for progress monitoring.

Fall 2019: The Program Specialist brought the Teacher Librarians together to engage in a detailed review of the data from the state school library survey. The review documents used by the teacher librarians in the evaluation of their own schools and their feeder schools were organized using the State Model School Library Standards. The teacher librarians analyzed the results of each question for their school and each of their feeder schools to identify the degree to which the district's library programs and services are aligned to the Model School Library Standards, as well as to better understand the needs of their feeder schools and support their programs.

Spring 2020: Teacher Librarians reached out to site media clerks of their feeder schools to offer support based on the needs identified in the survey data. This is an ongoing process as the teacher librarians connect with the media clerks at their feeder schools several times a year. The data points that are now available through their analysis of the state survey results provide additional information to guide their support.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Partially Implemented

San Juan Unified provided copies of its analyses of the state school library survey data. Specifically, the analyses showed that the district's teacher librarians assessed the degree to which schools under their purview met the school library standards. However, the district did not provide evidence that it had used these assessments to address its schools' needs during its LCAP process. The district's program specialist noted that as a result of the pandemic, the district has not had the opportunity to use the Teacher Librarians' analyses of the results to inform its LCAP.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2018

For the first time, funds were allocated during the revision of the 2018-19 LCAP to increase the availability of diverse books in the libraries of elementary schools. District staff is exploring ways to formalize discussion around improving district libraries based on the model library standards and other guiding documentation. Resulting recommendations would be prioritized based upon available funding.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Partially Implemented

San Juan Unified's 2018-19 LCAP indicates that it is using the model standards to assess the needs of its school library programs. Specifically, the LCAP states that the district will increase the effectiveness of its reading instruction by providing a sufficient variety of leveled and culturally relevant texts in alignment with state standards. The district says its staff is exploring ways to formalize discussion around improving district libraries based on the model library standards.

1-Year Agency Response

During the stakeholder input process for the 2017-2020 LCAP, libraries were not a significant trend among any group. In elementary schools, this is likely due to efforts to strengthen classroom libraries. As a result, the current LCAP does not reflect expenditures for library materials at the district level.

This fall we are reviewing the state survey results from the state to identify areas of need based on responses. Using that information, we will begin an analysis of current library services, informed by the model standards and other academic standards with a goal of informing resource allocation and school library improvements. Expenditures to address gaps will be considered during the LCAP revision process.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Pending

Per San Juan Unified's response, its implementation of this recommendation is currently pending.

6-Month Agency Response

The results of the school library survey will be reviewed once it has been completed to identify where gaps in libraries may lie. Once the scope is known, resources can be allocated to address the gaps.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending

Per San Juan Unified's response, its implementation of this recommendation is currently pending.

60-Day Agency Response

The analysis of current library services and materials will follow approval of the board policy and regulations. The analysis will be informed by the model standards and other academic standards with a goal of informing resource allocation and school library improvements. Expenditures to address gaps, once allocated, will be noted in the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for schools and the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) of the district.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

Per San Juan Unified's response, its implementation of this recommendation is currently pending.

Recommendation #10 To: San Juan Unified School District

To strengthen its library programs and help the State assess the condition of school libraries statewide, San Juan Unified should require its schools to participate in Education's annual school library survey.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2018

During spring 2018, district staff worked closely with district schools to communicate the expectation of completion of the California Library Survey prior to the end of the fiscal year, June 30, 2018. This was accomplished through electronic communication with site principals and library staff and follow up emails periodically until a completed survey was recorded. This process will be repeated annually to ensure survey completion by sites.

Of the 77 schools listed as district schools, 62 completed the survey. The sites not completing the survey included 10 charter schools (not required per charter law), 2 preschool locations, 2 special education centers and the school at Sacramento Children's Receiving Home which closed in June 2017.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Fully Implemented

The California Department of Education's school library survey results support the district's statements. In addition, San Juan Unified provided copies of the survey notices that it sent to its elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools. These notices emphasized that participation in the survey is required and they offered resources to assist schools in completing the survey.

1-Year Agency Response

Schools were contacted directly when the CDE website opened in April and reminded to complete the survey prior to the June deadline. There was some confusion about completing a survey for 2015-16 when the 2016-17 school year was well under way. This resulted in some schools not completing the survey for 2015-16. Schools were reminded several times via email, and their supervisors followed up with them in June, emphasizing the need for this survey to be completed. A review of the district school participation revealed that 21 schools did not submit information for 2015-16 (by the end of 2016-17). Of the non-completers, five are independently funded charter schools, two are preschool-only program sites, one is an alternative site which closed at the end of 2016-17, and the remaining fourteen are comprehensive or alternative district schools.

In order to increase the response rate in the district for 2017-18, several steps have been taken. The survey has now been added to the principal's monthly reminder calendar for April through June. As soon as the survey opens for this year, principals will receive a PDF copy of the survey that can be used to review and collect information. Finally, high school teacher-librarians will be available to assist elementary and middle schools as needed. [Note: As of November 16, 2017 the survey is still not available and the website states "The annual online survey is closed. It will be open to collect information from individual schools about their libraries in 2016-2017 starting in fall 2017."]

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Pending

Per San Juan Unified's response, its implementation of this recommendation is currently pending.

6-Month Agency Response

The online survey tool was opened to schools in February to report on 2015-16 data. All data will need to be entered by the end of June 2017. As of May 22, 2017 22 schools submitted completed surveys. District schools received an email reminder during the week of May 22, 2017 and high school librarians have offered to work with elementary and middle schools who are not confident in completing the survey.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending

Per San Juan Unified's response, its implementation of this recommendation is currently pending.

60-Day Agency Response

A review of the CDE website regarding this survey ( accessed 1/6/17) resulted in the following findings. First, a review of the district school participation revealed the schools that did not submit information for 2014-15. Of the non-completers, four are independently funded charter schools, one is a preschool-only program site, one is an alternative site temporarily serving students in the Children's Receiving Home, and the remaining five are comprehensive or alternative district schools. Second, there is a lack of clarity regarding the availability of the survey for 2015-16 information. The web page includes the note that the survey is currently unavailable. "It will open in early Fall 2016 to collect information about 2015-2016." At the time of this report the online tool is still unavailable. Once the survey is open, schools will be notified and directed to complete the survey. Follow up will occur with site administrators at schools that did not complete the survey for 2014-15 to underscore the importance.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

Per San Juan Unified's response, its implementation of this recommendation is currently pending.

Recommendation #11 To: Woodlake Unified School District

To strengthen its library programs and help the State assess the condition of school libraries statewide, Woodlake Unified should ensure that teacher librarians are involved in the selection of library materials at each school.

1-Year Agency Response

The site library technicians attend the County Library meetings and receive a newsletter both of which provide suggested titles. The list of books to be purchased is initially put together locally and sent to the Tulare County Superintendent of School's Credentialed School Librarian and she approves the list for purchase or makes changes to the list.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

The district provided evidence that it has coordinated with Tulare County Office of Education's teacher librarian in selecting library materials for its schools.

6-Month Agency Response

The district will finalize purchasing processes with the Tulare County Office of Education prior to the start of the new fiscal year.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending

At the time of Woodlake Unified's response, its implementation of this recommendation was pending.

60-Day Agency Response

Woodlake Unified has been in contact with the Tulare County Office of Education regarding this recommendation. The county Library Media Supervisor has agreed to assist the district with the purchasing process. We will meet in February to discuss this process.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

At the time of Woodlake Unified's response, its implementation of this recommendation was pending.

Recommendation #12 To: Woodlake Unified School District

To strengthen its library programs and help the State assess the condition of school libraries statewide, Woodlake Unified should consider ways to leverage the teacher librarians it already employs to offer a broader range of services to all grade levels.

1-Year Agency Response

Site Library technicians attend the County Library Meetings where they get suggestions on how to create and maintain a quality school library as well as get suggestions for material purchases. The County Credentialed Librarian also works directly with our library techs as needed to improve the Library services at our sites.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

Woodlake Unified provided evidence that it is using the services of Tulare County Office of Education, which offer its library services to all grade levels.

6-Month Agency Response

Woodlake Unified utilizes the services of the Tulare County Office of Education's library services. The Tulare County Office of Education has met with staff at Woodlake Unified School District sites. In addition, all site Library Technicians are attending the regular Library meetings held by the Tulare County Office of Education. The district will continue to maximize the library services that the county provides including on site professional learning opportunities facilitated by the county library specialist.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending

At the time of Woodlake Unified's response, its implementation of this recommendation was pending.

60-Day Agency Response

Woodlake Unified utilizes the services of the Tulare County Office of Education's library services. The Tulare County Office of Education has already begun scheduling meetings at Woodlake Unified School District sites. In addition, all site Library Technicians are attending the regular Library meetings held by the Tulare County Office of Education. Furthermore, prior to signing a contract for the 2017-2018 year, the Assistant Superintendent will meet with the county Library Media Supervisor to outline an implementation plan for the year based on improving district implementation of the model standards.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

At the time of Woodlake Unified's response, its implementation of this recommendation was pending.

Recommendation #13 To: Woodlake Unified School District

To strengthen its library programs and help the State assess the condition of school libraries statewide, Woodlake Unified should use the model standards to assess the needs of its school library programs and address any identified needs during its LCAP process.

6-Month Agency Response

The Model standards have been introduced to each comprehensive site. Additionally during the LCAP engagement meetings the Model Library Standards were included in the introduction. Finally, principals and Library Techs held an LCAP input session for the Model Library Standards. Goal 2 of the current Woodlake Unified LCAP Draft includes standards information and the Model Library Standards are specifically called out. Resources continue to be allocated for library resources.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

The district provided training materials demonstrating that it has discussed the model standards with its school sites and that it has integrated the model standards into its LCAP process.

60-Day Agency Response

The Tulare County Office of Education is in the process of scheduling informational meetings about the process for rolling out the model standards at school sites. Woodlake Unified is committed to having site administrators as well as Library Technicians attend meeting which will serve as a launch date for the Model Standards implementation. In addition, Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) meetings begin on January 25, 2017. While all stakeholder engagement meetings will include implementation of state standards including the model standards, a special meeting will be held with library staff and other site staff that will focus on implementation of the model standards in the LCAP. This meeting will be held on February 28, 2017.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

At the time of Woodlake Unified's response, its implementation of this recommendation was pending.

Recommendation #14 To: Woodlake Unified School District

To strengthen its library programs and help the State assess the condition of school libraries statewide, Woodlake Unified should require its schools to participate in Education's annual school library survey.

6-Month Agency Response

All principals have reported that the library surveys for their sites have been completed and I have verified this on the state website.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

All six of the district's schools completed the library survey for the 2015-16 academic year.

60-Day Agency Response

The district has directed site administration to complete this survey with the Library Technician at their site and to report to the Assistant Superintendent when it is complete.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

At the time of Woodlake Unified's response, its implementation of this recommendation was pending.

Recommendation #15 To: Sacramento County Office of Education

To strengthen school library programs in its county and help school districts comply with state law, the Sacramento County Office of Education should provide guidance to its school districts on using teacher librarians for the provision of library services, completing Education's annual school library survey, and identifying the needs of their school library programs by using the model standards as part of their LCAP process.

60-Day Agency Response

As recommended by the Audit Report, the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) has provided guidance to its school districts on using teacher librarians for the provision of library services, completing the California Department of Education's annual school library survey, and to the extent they support districts' local goals and priorities, using the Model Library Standards as part of the LCAP process to help identify the needs of the districts' library programs and develop goals to address those needs. On January 12, 2017, SCOE sent a guidance letter addressing these topics to the superintendents of the thirteen school districts in Sacramento County. We will email copies of SCOE's letter and guidance material documents to Mr. Lee.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Fully Implemented

Sacramento County Office of Education provided a copy of its guidance letter and the attachments that it sent to its district superintendents. The guidance letter describes the audit report's findings and recommendations, provides a copy of relevant laws and regulations, and includes a copy of the model school library standards.

Recommendation #16 To: San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools

To strengthen school library programs in its county and help school districts comply with state law, the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools should provide guidance to its school districts on using teacher librarians for the provision of library services, completing Education's annual school library survey, and identifying the needs of their school library programs by using the model standards as part of their LCAP process.

1-Year Agency Response

SBCSS has provided communication, support, and resources to Districts in the following ways:

1.Assignment Monitor Review (AMR) Annual Workshop: (August 31, 2016):

Annual workshop provided by SBCSS Credential Services staff. Identifies Education Code, regulations, and sample misassignments of library staff.

2. Quadrennial Assignment Monitoring and Review (June 2, 2017 and June 20, 2017):

Sample reports of uncorrected misassignment letter. Notification sent to district superintendents and SBCSS county superintendent regarding library staff

misassignments. Librarian staffing and credentialing resources attached.

3. District Consultation Contracts:

Sample contracts outlining district's contracted librarian services to support compliance with certificated librarian staffing guidelines.

4. SBCSS Agreement for Consultation Services:

Contract proposal to provide supplemental certificated librarian support, professional development, and technical assistance to certificated and classified librarians through facilitation of the SBCSS Media Library Educator Network.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools provided guidance to its school districts on using teacher librarians for the provision of library services, completing Education's annual school library survey, and identifying the needs of their school library programs by using the model standards as part of their LCAP process.

60-Day Agency Response

The San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (SBCSS) is currently providing a Media Library Educators Network (MLEN) to its 33 districts for any district staff wishing to attend, from certificated library media teachers to library technicians to school and district administrators, and more. These sessions focus on the Library Model Standards and their implementation as well as the latest developments in libraries and resources for student learning. In addition to the MLEN, SBCSS has contracted with a fully certificated district librarian to provide consulting services that include facilitating the network, supporting completion of the annual school library survey, and using the model standards to help districts address the needs of their school library programs.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Partially Implemented

The San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (SBCSS) provided copies of invoices, presentations, feedback forms, and other documents from its Media Library Educator's Network. These documents demonstrate SBCSS's efforts to provide guidance to its school districts on identifying the needs of their school library programs by using the model standards as part of their LCAP process. However, SBCSS did not demonstrate that it has provided guidance to districts on using teacher librarians for the provision of library services and or on completing Education's annual school library survey.

6-Month Agency Response

The San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (SBCSS) is currently providing a Media Library Educators Network (MLEN) to its 33 districts for any district staff wishing to attend, from certificated library media teachers to library technicians to school and district administrators, and more. These sessions focus on the Library Model Standards and their implementation as well as the latest developments in libraries and resources for student learning. In addition to the MLEN, SBCSS has contracted with a fully certificated district librarian to provide consulting services that include facilitating the network, supporting completion of the annual school library survey, and using the model standards to help districts address the needs of their school library programs.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Partially Implemented

The San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (SBCSS) provided copies of invoices, presentations, feedback forms, and other documents from its Media Library Educator's Network. These documents demonstrate SBCSS's efforts to provide guidance to its school districts on identifying the needs of their school library programs by using the model standards as part of their LCAP process. However, SBCSS did not demonstrate that it has provided guidance to districts on using teacher librarians for the provision of library services and or on completing Education's annual school library survey.

Recommendation #17 To: Tulare County Office of Education

To strengthen school library programs in its county and help school districts comply with state law, the Tulare County Office of Education should provide guidance to its school districts on using teacher librarians for the provision of library services, completing Education's annual school library survey, and identifying the needs of their school library programs by using the model standards as part of their LCAP process.

6-Month Agency Response

Information published in the ERS Library newsletter that is emailed to contracting school districts. Newsletters are available here: Recommendation #1 was addressed in the February 2017 newsletter, #2 was addressed in the April 2017 newsletter, #3 will be addressed in the May 2017 newsletter (not yet published.) February 6, 2017 the Library Media Supervisor (LMS) presented information at the Superintendent's Advisory Meeting. An Infographic was given to Superintendents on the 3 recommendations. March 20, 2017 the LMS presented the Model School Library Standards to teachers and staff at Woodlake High School. April 20, 2017 the LMS sent an email to districts offering support in completing the school library survey. Emails were sent to Superintendents in the following: Allensworth, Buena Vista, Columbine, Hope, Hot Springs, Liberty Elementary, Oak Valley Union Elementary, Outside Creek, Palo Verde Union Elementary, Richgrove, Saucelito, Stone Corral, Terra Bella Union, Three Rivers Union, Traver Joint, and Woodville Union. May 3, 2017 the LMS presented the Model School Library Standards to teachers and staff at Woodlake Valley Middle School. May 15, 2017 the LMS provided assistance with completing the survey at the Library Multimedia Network meeting. Library Technicians in attendance were provided guidance and assistance with completing the survey. May 17, 2017 the LMS presented the Model School Library Standards to teachers and staff at Castle Rock Elementary School. (Submitted as evidence via email: Superintendent's Advisory Meeting Agenda Feb. 6 2017, Superintendent's Advisory Meeting Audit Infographic, MSLS-Woodlake HS-Agenda, School Library Survey-District Email message and response from Kings River Supt.) MSLS-Woodlake Valley Middle School Agenda and Sign-in, School Library Survey-LMN Meeting Agenda and Sign-in sheet, MSLS-Castle Rock Elementary Agenda and Sign-in.)

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

TCOE provided guidance to its school districts on using teacher librarians for the provision of library services, completing Education's annual school library survey, and identifying the needs of their school library programs by using the model standards as part of their LCAP process.

60-Day Agency Response

The Library Media Supervisor (LMS) presented at Learning & Leadership Forum (LLF) on January 20, 2017. The focus of LLF continues to be the development of district's Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP.) The LMS will present at the Superintendent's Advisory Meeting on February 6, 2017. This meeting is held monthly for district superintendents in Tulare County. At these meetings, the LMS will once again address the value of using teacher librarians for the provision of library services as well as encourage districts to take advantage of the services provided by TCOE's ERS Library and the LMS as Librarian of Record. In addition, the LMS will inform districts that the revised LCAP template will include the MSLS as part of Priority 2: Implementation of State Standards. Furthermore, considerations will continue to be incorporated into TCOE's individualized district LCAP development technical assistance provided by Martin Frolli, TCOE Leadership and Support Services Director.

The LMS will provide dedicated time at the March 2017 Library Multimedia Network, a bimonthly library paraprofessional meeting, to support every attendee with completing the Education's annual school library survey. She will also craft a follow-up email to send to both school administrators and library paraprofessional staff who have not yet completed the survey as the deadline nears and offer her support in completing the survey. Lastly, information on completing the mandated annual survey will be sent in the ERS library's monthly newsletter. This newsletter is sent to contracting school districts within Tulare County. Information on the survey will be posted on the website.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

At the time of Tulare County Office of Education's response, its implementation of this recommendation was pending.

Recommendation #18 To: Teacher Credentialing, California Commission on

To strengthen its monitoring of staff assignments, Teacher Credentialing should work with Education to identify potential misassignments by comparing annually the staffing information reported by school districts to Education against Teacher Credentialing's credentialing records. Further, Teacher Credentialing should incorporate misassignments identified using Education's data into its existing notification, reporting, and sanctioning structure. If Teacher Credentialing believes it needs express statutory authority to do so, it should seek it.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2019

The Commission has completed and implemented a signed agreement with CDE to share data annually related to staffing assignments in order to meet assignment monitoring and federal reporting requirements for both agencies. This MOU was signed in October 2018. In addition, the Commission has updated its program for monitoring school district assignments moving it from a four-year cycle to annually. This program - CalSAAS, will be fully utilized by school districts and the Commission to oversee all assignment monitoring starting in the current 2019-20 school year. AB 1219 (Jones-Sawyer) was just signed by Governor Newsom and will take full effect on January 1, 2020. This bill updates the Education Code to reflect the change in requirements for assignment monitoring of school districts and also widens the scope of monitoring to include charter schools. The Commission will incorporate charters into the 2019-20 monitoring cycle.

With the passage of AB 1219, the Commission will monitor annually and report out to the legislature and public all misassignments. The CDE shares its assignment data captured in October each year with the Commission in April of the following year (i.e. October 2019 data provided to the Commission in April 2020). The Commission combines this employment data with credentials held by educators to create an initial misassignment report. This report is then provided to districts to review and make any corrections. Once this process is complete a report of misassignments is published in the fall based on the previous school year. However, the law requires hiring authorities to advise superintendents to correct misassignments within 30 days of their final determination.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Fully Implemented

Teacher Credentialing provided a copy of its signed agreement with Education, which describes the data that both agencies will share to meet assignment monitoring and federal reporting requirements.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2018

In the Commission's previous response, staff identified the state's assignment monitoring process as needing modernization. By combining the Commission's credentialing data with the Department's CalPADS data, the need to engage in manual monitoring of every teacher assignment throughout the state will be alleviated. While the legislative proposal the Commission authored failed to be enacted, the Commission was able to obtain funding and authorization through the budget act to implement a new database that will allow data sharing between the Commission and the Department. The budget act also provided authority to enter into an agreement to share credentialing data, and any other data as needed, with the Department to help fulfill their federal reporting obligations. The Commission and the Department have finalized a memorandum of understanding governing this data sharing process, which was signed and went into effect on October 1.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Partially Implemented

Teacher Credentialing provided a copy of its interagency agreement with Education regarding the sharing of education workforce data. In addition, Teacher Credentialing provided documents showing that the upcoming State Assignment Accountability System (SAAS) will allow Teacher Credentialing to compare its credentialing data with Education's school staffing data. However, the documents note that the system will not be completed until July 1, 2019.

1-Year Agency Response

Since our 6 month response, both the Commission and the Department of Education have completed the IT modernization efforts necessary to simplify our monitoring and reporting processes. To that end, Commission staff are bringing forward a recommendation at the December Commission meeting that we pursue legislation to update the assignment monitoring statutes and allow us to monitor all districts statewide on an annual basis. In the interim, the Commission has just finalized the most recent bi-annual monitoring report, which is being prepared for submission to the Legislature. Until a new process has been finalized, the Commission will continue to implement the existing monitoring process.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Pending

Per Teacher Credentialing's response, its implementation of this recommendation is currently pending.

6-Month Agency Response

Since our previous response, the Commission has continued to meet with the Department of Education on an ongoing basis. Staff and attorneys from both agencies are working on ways to improve this process. CTC is committed to working with CDE towards full implementation of the audit recommendations. Currently the Department is working on modernizing their data reporting system which will ultimately result in a more efficient and timely reporting of teacher assignments. In the interim, the Commission is continuing the existing monitoring process.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending

Per Teacher Credentialing's response, it will not fully implement this recommendation until June 30, 2018.

60-Day Agency Response

The Commission on Teacher Credentialing has reached out to the Department of Education and set up a meeting to discuss how best to monitor staff assignments. Specifically, we will be working with the Department to identify ways to collect and compare our data across both agencies in a more efficient and timely manner.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

Per Teacher Credentialing's response, it will not fully implement this recommendation until January 1, 2018.

Recommendation #19 To: Education, Department of

To better understand the condition of school libraries statewide and to raise stakeholders' awareness of the State Education Board's adopted model standards, Education should redesign its annual school library survey to solicit answers that will better help Education determine whether schools are implementing the model standards and better assess the type and extent of library services the schools provide.

6-Month Agency Response

Education launched the redesigned annual school library survey in February 2017, and it will remain open until June 30, 2017. The preliminary data collected reflects a clearer picture of staffing, level of services being provided, and implementation of the MSLS in school library programs. When providing technical assistance to the field regarding the survey, Education encourages districts to utilize the revised survey as a tool to self-evaluate their program and to set incremental goals to build the program.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

Education updated its school library survey for the 2015-16 academic year to solicit answers that will better help Education determine whether schools are implementing the model standards and better assess the type and extent of library services the schools provide.

60-Day Agency Response

The annual school library survey has been redesigned to focus on the MSLS and new questions have been developed to acquire a more in-depth understanding of the extent and types of services being provided in the school library program. The survey will be launched in January 2017.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

At the time of Education's response, its implementation of this recommendation was pending.

Recommendation #20 To: Education, Department of

To better understand the condition of school libraries statewide and to raise stakeholders' awareness of the State Education Board's adopted model standards, Education should use its directory of school districts to notify administrators about the annual school library survey and remind them that participation is mandatory.

6-Month Agency Response

In March 2017, Education distributed a letter to all district administrators, highlighting the MSLS and notifying districts of the requirement to comply with EC 18122.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

We obtained a copy of the March 2017 letter that Education distributed to county and district superintendents regarding the model standards and participation in the annual school library survey. Education's Communications Office used its directory of school districts to notify administrators about the survey.

60-Day Agency Response

In January 2017, Education plans to notify district administrators of the requirement to comply with EC 18122.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

At the time of Education's response, its implementation of this recommendation was pending.

Recommendation #21 To: Education, Department of

To better understand the condition of school libraries statewide and to raise stakeholders' awareness of the State Education Board's adopted model standards, Education should work with the State Education Board to incorporate consideration of all academic content and performance standards adopted by the State Education Board into the tools that guide the LCFF process, including but not limited to the LCAP template, the evaluation rubrics, and publicly funded LCFF/LCAP trainings, such as those offered by the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence.

1-Year Agency Response

Fully implemented. Education worked with the State Board of Education to incorporate consideration of academic content and performance standards adopted by the State Board of Education into the tools that guide the LCFF process, including but not limited to the LCAP template and the evaluation rubric.

As previously reported, the SBE adopted the revised LCAP template ( Additionally, the SBE adopted performance standards for the LCFF local indicators. For each local indicator (including Priority 2 - Implementation of the State's Academic Standards), LEAs must complete the following steps to meet the approved standards: (1) measure their progress using locally available information; (2) report the results to the local governing board at a regularly scheduled public meeting of the local governing board; and (3) publically report the results through the California School Dashboard (evaluation rubrics).

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

Education provided the revised LCAP template, which now lists the model school library standards as one of the "state standards" to be considered as State Priority #2.

6-Month Agency Response

Education does not have any additional comments or updates at this time.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending

At the time of Education's prior response, its implementation of this recommendation was pending.

60-Day Agency Response

At its November 2016 meeting, the SBE adopted the revised LCAP template (

The instructions included in the revised LCAP template identifies the state priorities which must be addressed in the LCAP. As revised, the LCAP template specifically lists the academic content and performance standards, including the Model School Library Standards, as part of the instructions for the LCAP template.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

At the time of Education's response, its implementation of this recommendation was pending.

Recommendation #22 To: Education, Department of

To better understand the condition of school libraries statewide and to raise stakeholders' awareness of the State Education Board's adopted model standards, Education should work with Teacher Credentialing to assist it in identifying potential misassignments by providing staffing information reported by school districts to Teacher Credentialing by April of each academic year.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2019

The 2018-19 Budget Act provided funding and authorization to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) to implement a new database to process and determine teacher qualifications to meet federal and state requirements. Additionally, the 2018-19 Budget Act required that the CTC and Education enter into an agreement to share credentialing data and any other data, as needed, to assist Education in fulfilling our federal and state reporting obligations. Education and the CTC finalized a memorandum of understanding governing this data sharing process effective October 1, 2018 and are currently sharing data as articulated in the MOU. Assembly Bill 1219 was signed into law on October 12, 2019, and further articulates the reporting requirements and needs for a data exchange between Education and CTC specifically for assignment monitoring purposes. Education is working closely with CTC in the development of the teacher assignment database to meet California's reporting requirements.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Fully Implemented

Education provided a copy of its signed agreement with Teacher Credentialing, which describes the data that both agencies will share to meet assignment monitoring and federal reporting requirements.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2018

Education continues to not concur with the CSA's recommendation. However, the 2018-19 Budget Act provided funding and authorization to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) to implement a new database to process and determine teacher qualifications to meet federal and state requirements. Additionally, the 2018-19 Budget Act required that the CTC and Education enter into an agreement to share credentialing data and any other data, as needed, to assist Education in fulfilling our federal and state reporting obligations. Education and the CTC finalized a memorandum of understanding governing this data sharing process effective October 1, 2018.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Partially Implemented

Although Education asserts that it will not implement the recommendation, it has entered into an interagency agreement with Teacher Credentialing regarding the sharing of education workforce data. In addition, the upcoming State Assignment Accountability System (SAAS) will allow Teacher Credentialing to compare its credentialing data with Education's school staffing data when the system is completed in July 1, 2019.

1-Year Agency Response

Education's status on this recommendation is unchanged; no additional comments will be forthcoming.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Will Not Implement

We stand by our recommendation to California Department of Education that it should work with Teacher Credentialing to assist it in identifying potential misassignments by providing staffing information reported by school districts to Teacher Credentialing by April of each academic year. As we note on pages 21 and 22 of our report, by comparing data between Teacher Credentialing's Credentialing Automation System Enterprise and Education's California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System, we identified 111 individuals whom districts reported as employed teacher librarians at some point during fiscal years 2010-11 through 2014-15 and who did not appear to possess the requisite credential or permit to provide library services. According to Teacher Credentialing's professional services division director, Teacher Credentialing has received staffing information from Education since fiscal year 2010-11. We, therefore, believe that Teacher Credentialing should continue to obtain this staffing information from Education and begin using it to identify and follow up on potential misassignments using its existing authority

6-Month Agency Response

Education continues to not concur with this recommendation.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Will Not Implement

We stand by our recommendation to California Department of Education that it should work with Teacher Credentialing to assist it in identifying potential misassignments by providing staffing information reported by school districts to Teacher Credentialing by April of each academic year. As we note on pages 21 and 22 of our report, by comparing data between Teacher Credentialing's Credentialing Automation System Enterprise and Education's California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System, we identified 111 individuals whom districts reported as employed teacher librarians at some point during fiscal years 2010-11 through 2014-15 and who did not appear to possess the requisite credential or permit to provide library services. According to Teacher Credentialing's professional services division director, Teacher Credentialing has received staffing information from Education since fiscal year 2010-11. We, therefore, believe that Teacher Credentialing should continue to obtain this staffing information from Education and begin using it to identify and follow up on potential misassignments using its existing authority

60-Day Agency Response

Education continues to not concur with this recommendation.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Will Not Implement

We stand by our recommendation to California Department of Education that it should work with Teacher Credentialing to assist it in identifying potential misassignments by providing staffing information reported by school districts to Teacher Credentialing by April of each academic year. As we note on pages 21 and 22 of our report, by comparing data between Teacher Credentialing's Credentialing Automation System Enterprise

and Education's California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System, we identified 111 individuals whom districts reported as employed teacher librarians at some point during fiscal years 2010-11 through 2014-15 and who did not appear to possess the requisite credential or permit to provide library services. According to Teacher Credentialing's professional services division director, Teacher Credentialing has received staffing information from Education since fiscal year 2010-11. We, therefore, believe that Teacher Credentialing should continue to obtain this staffing information from Education and begin using it to identify and follow up on potential misassignments using its existing authority

Recommendation #23 To: Education, Department of

To better understand the condition of school libraries statewide and to raise stakeholders' awareness of the State Education Board's adopted model standards, Education should identify school districts that reported employing significantly fewer teacher librarians in fiscal year 2015-16 than in previous years and verify the accuracy of their fiscal year 2015-16 reports.

1-Year Agency Response

There are no additional comments for this recommendation. As stated in previous responses, Education extracted certified CALPADS Fall 2 staffing data for 2014-15 and 2015-16 to identify LEAs with a significant decline in teacher librarian staff. However, Education determined it was not useful to contact LEAs to verify the accuracy of the data they submitted because the 2015-16 CALPADS Fall 2 submission and amendment window had already been closed for an extended period of time. Instead, Education provided extensive guidance to over 3,700 users in the CALPADS Update Flash #125 (

Additionally, Education provided training on how to properly submit librarian data to CALPADS. The training slides are posted at the following locations:

Education considers this recommendation closed and no further updates will be provided.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Will Not Implement

We stand by our recommendation to California Department of Education that it should identify school districts that reported employing significantly fewer teacher librarians in fiscal year 2015-16 than in previous years and verify the accuracy of their fiscal year 2015-16 reports. As we note on pages 26 and 27 of our report, Education's past attempt to instruct districts about the changes in the way they should report teacher librarians, Education updated its data guide and provided multiple CALPADS trainings. However, according to Education's school library technology consultant, the number of reported teacher librarians dropped by 75 percent. We, therefore, believe that Education should assess the accuracy of its reports by following up with school districts that report employing significantly fewer teacher librarians than they had before Education changed its way of collecting data.

6-Month Agency Response

Education extracted certified CALPADS Fall 2 staffing data for 2014-15 and 2015-16 to identify LEAs with a significant decline in teacher librarian staff. However, Education determined it was not useful to contact LEAs to verify the accuracy of the data they submitted because the 2015-16 CALPADS Fall 2 submission and amendment window had already been closed for an extended period of time. Instead, Education provided extensive guidance to over 3,700 users in the CALPADS Update Flash #125 (

Additionally, Education provided training on how to properly submit librarian data to CALPADS. The training slides are posted at the following locations:

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Will Not Implement

We stand by our recommendation to California Department of Education that it should identify school districts that reported employing significantly fewer teacher librarians in fiscal year 2015-16 than in previous years and verify the accuracy of their fiscal year 2015-16 reports. As we note on pages 26 and 27 of our report, Education's past attempt to instruct districts about the changes in the way they should report teacher librarians, Education updated its data guide and provided multiple CALPADS trainings. However, according to Education's school library technology consultant, the number of reported teacher librarians dropped by 75 percent. We, therefore, believe that Education should assess the accuracy of its reports by following up with school districts that report employing significantly fewer teacher librarians than they had before Education changed its way of collecting data.

60-Day Agency Response

Education extracted certified CALPADS data for 2014-15 and 2015-16 and is in the process of reviewing the relevant CALPADS data submitted and certified by LEAs to identify those with a significant decline in teacher librarian staff. Based on a review of comparison data, Education will determine if it would be necessary to contact the school districts to follow up and verify the accuracy of the data.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

At the time of Education's response, its implementation of this recommendation was pending.

All Recommendations in 2016-112

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.