Report 2016-112 Recommendation 6 Responses

Report 2016-112: School Library Services: Vague State Laws and a Lack of Monitoring Allow School Districts to Provide a Minimal Level of Library Services (Release Date: November 2016)

Recommendation #6 To: Redlands Unified School District

To strengthen its library programs and help the State assess the condition of school libraries statewide, Redlands Unified should require its schools to participate in Education's annual school library survey.

6-Month Agency Response

As of 5/5/17 - 21 of the district's 25 schools have completed the Library Survey online. Redlands HS, Cope MS, Orangewood Continuation HS and Moore MS will complete the survey this month. Documentation is available on the following website:

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

Redlands Unified provided evidence that it is now requiring its schools to participate in Education's annual school library survey. In addition, Education's records show a significant improvement in the district's survey participation rates.

60-Day Agency Response

Redlands USD will participate in the Education's annual school library survey once it receives information about the annual school library survey.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

Per Redlands Unified's response, its implementation of this recommendation is currently pending.

All Recommendations in 2016-112

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.