Report 2016-112 Recommendation 17 Responses
Report 2016-112: School Library Services: Vague State Laws and a Lack of Monitoring Allow School Districts to Provide a Minimal Level of Library Services (Release Date: November 2016)
Recommendation #17 To: Tulare County Office of Education
To strengthen school library programs in its county and help school districts comply with state law, the Tulare County Office of Education should provide guidance to its school districts on using teacher librarians for the provision of library services, completing Education's annual school library survey, and identifying the needs of their school library programs by using the model standards as part of their LCAP process.
6-Month Agency Response
Information published in the ERS Library newsletter that is emailed to contracting school districts. Newsletters are available here: Recommendation #1 was addressed in the February 2017 newsletter, #2 was addressed in the April 2017 newsletter, #3 will be addressed in the May 2017 newsletter (not yet published.) February 6, 2017 the Library Media Supervisor (LMS) presented information at the Superintendent's Advisory Meeting. An Infographic was given to Superintendents on the 3 recommendations. March 20, 2017 the LMS presented the Model School Library Standards to teachers and staff at Woodlake High School. April 20, 2017 the LMS sent an email to districts offering support in completing the school library survey. Emails were sent to Superintendents in the following: Allensworth, Buena Vista, Columbine, Hope, Hot Springs, Liberty Elementary, Oak Valley Union Elementary, Outside Creek, Palo Verde Union Elementary, Richgrove, Saucelito, Stone Corral, Terra Bella Union, Three Rivers Union, Traver Joint, and Woodville Union. May 3, 2017 the LMS presented the Model School Library Standards to teachers and staff at Woodlake Valley Middle School. May 15, 2017 the LMS provided assistance with completing the survey at the Library Multimedia Network meeting. Library Technicians in attendance were provided guidance and assistance with completing the survey. May 17, 2017 the LMS presented the Model School Library Standards to teachers and staff at Castle Rock Elementary School. (Submitted as evidence via email: Superintendent's Advisory Meeting Agenda Feb. 6 2017, Superintendent's Advisory Meeting Audit Infographic, MSLS-Woodlake HS-Agenda, School Library Survey-District Email message and response from Kings River Supt.) MSLS-Woodlake Valley Middle School Agenda and Sign-in, School Library Survey-LMN Meeting Agenda and Sign-in sheet, MSLS-Castle Rock Elementary Agenda and Sign-in.)
- Completion Date: May 2017
- Response Date: May 2017
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented
TCOE provided guidance to its school districts on using teacher librarians for the provision of library services, completing Education's annual school library survey, and identifying the needs of their school library programs by using the model standards as part of their LCAP process.
60-Day Agency Response
The Library Media Supervisor (LMS) presented at Learning & Leadership Forum (LLF) on January 20, 2017. The focus of LLF continues to be the development of district's Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP.) The LMS will present at the Superintendent's Advisory Meeting on February 6, 2017. This meeting is held monthly for district superintendents in Tulare County. At these meetings, the LMS will once again address the value of using teacher librarians for the provision of library services as well as encourage districts to take advantage of the services provided by TCOE's ERS Library and the LMS as Librarian of Record. In addition, the LMS will inform districts that the revised LCAP template will include the MSLS as part of Priority 2: Implementation of State Standards. Furthermore, considerations will continue to be incorporated into TCOE's individualized district LCAP development technical assistance provided by Martin Frolli, TCOE Leadership and Support Services Director.
The LMS will provide dedicated time at the March 2017 Library Multimedia Network, a bimonthly library paraprofessional meeting, to support every attendee with completing the Education's annual school library survey. She will also craft a follow-up email to send to both school administrators and library paraprofessional staff who have not yet completed the survey as the deadline nears and offer her support in completing the survey. Lastly, information on completing the mandated annual survey will be sent in the ERS library's monthly newsletter. This newsletter is sent to contracting school districts within Tulare County. Information on the survey will be posted on the website.
- Estimated Completion Date: May 2017
- Response Date: January 2017
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
At the time of Tulare County Office of Education's response, its implementation of this recommendation was pending.
All Recommendations in 2016-112
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.