Report 2016-046 Recommendation 9 Responses

Report 2016-046: Board of Registered Nursing: Significant Delays and Inadequate Oversight of the Complaint Resolution Process Have Allowed Some Nurses Who May Pose a Risk to Patient Safety to Continue Practicing (Release Date: December 2016)

Recommendation #9 To: Registered Nursing, Board of

To increase its pool of expert witnesses, by June 2017, BRN should modify its renewal application process for nurses' licenses to include a question regarding whether they would be interested in serving as an expert witness, and then develop a process to promptly follow-up with those nurses.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2018

The BRN has modified the RN license renewal application to include a question regarding whether a licensee is interested in serving as an expert witness and developed a process to promptly follow up with those nurses.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Fully Implemented

BRN modified the RN license renewal application to include a question regarding whether a licensee is interested in serving as an expert witness, developed a tool to track those nurses who indicate they are interested, and developed a process to follow-up with those nurses who expressed interest on a monthly basis.

1-Year Agency Response

The BRN has modified the RN license renewal application to include a question regarding whether a licensee is interested in serving as an expert witness and developed a process to promptly follow-up with those nurses.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Pending

Although BRN claims it has fully implemented this recommendation, it did not provide evidence demonstrating that it has. Until it does so, we will continue to assess the status of this recommendation as pending.

6-Month Agency Response

A paper renewal mail insert has been developed and is included in all mail renewal notices beginning February 2017.

On March 6, 2017, a request was made to BRN's BreEZe Subject Matter Experts (SME) to include an additional online renewal question regarding the RNs interest in becoming an Expert Practice Consultant. An information technology ticket was initiated and changes to the system will be made according to the BreEZe schedule.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending

60-Day Agency Response

A marketing insert was developed for the renewal application and is scheduled for distribution to all renewal licensees beginning with the February 2017 mailing.

In addition, BRN staff is working with the BIAs to develop recruitment efforts using the online renewal application via the BreEZe.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

All Recommendations in 2016-046

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.