Report 2016-046 Recommendation 20 Responses
Report 2016-046: Board of Registered Nursing: Significant Delays and Inadequate Oversight of the Complaint Resolution Process Have Allowed Some Nurses Who May Pose a Risk to Patient Safety to Continue Practicing (Release Date: December 2016)
Recommendation #20 To: Registered Nursing, Board of
To ensure that its enforcement unit employees appropriately address and process complaints in a consistent and efficient manner, BRN should implement a formal training program no later than December 2017. In developing this program, BRN should consult with DOI and the Attorney General to identify training that could benefit its enforcement staff, and also solicit input of its enforcement staff on areas of their job duties where they believe they need additional training.
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From November 2019
The BRN implemented a formal training program to ensure our Enforcement employees appropriately address and process complaints in a consistent and efficient manner. The BRN consulted with DOI, the Attorney General's Office, and Enforcement staff in the development and delivery of this training and additional training if warranted.
- Completion Date: March 2019
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Fully Implemented
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2018
The BRN has implemented a formal training program to ensure enforcement staff address and process complaints in a consistent and efficient manner. The BRN has consulted with DOI and AGO to identify training that could benefit its enforcement staff and solicited input from enforcement staff on areas of their job duties where they believe additional training is needed.
- Completion Date: December 2017
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Partially Implemented
The BRN provided evidence that it consulted with DOI to help inform the development of a formal training program. It also provided evidence that it solicited input from enforcement staff on areas of their job duties where they believe additional training is needed. However, it did not provide evidence of the formal training program itself or demonstrate that it consulted with the Attorney General to identify training that could benefit its enforcement staff. Until it does so, we will report this recommendation as partially implemented.
- Auditee did not address all aspects of the recommendation
1-Year Agency Response
The BRN has implemented a formal training program to ensure enforcement staff address and process complaints in a consistent and efficient manner. The BRN has consulted with DOI and AGO to identify training that could benefit its enforcement staff and solicited input from enforcement staff on areas of their job duties where they believe additional training is needed.
- Completion Date: December 2017
- Response Date: June 2018
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Pending
Although BRN claims it has fully implemented this recommendation, it did not provide evidence demonstrating that it has. Until it does so, we will continue to assess the status of this recommendation as pending.
- Auditee did not substantiate its claim of full implementation
6-Month Agency Response
BRN has consulted with DOI, AGO and DCA to review and revise the DCA Enforcement Academy to address the various areas of enforcement. BRN enforcement management and staff have worked with DCA SOLID staff as subject matter experts in redesigning the DCA Enforcement Academy. The formal training courses will be taught in-person by SOLID staff and Subject Matter Experts (beginning January 2017) will include but are not limited to:
- Basics of Enforcement
- BreEZe Enforcement Training
- Complaint Intake
- Investigation Techniques
- Leadership and Safety in the Field
- Interview Techniques for Investigators
- Investigative Report Writing
- Courtroom Testifying
- Probation Monitoring
- Investigative Subpoena Preparation
Additional courses are currently in development for other areas of enforcement. The training courses will be monitored and managed by supervisors to ensure all staff completes these training courses in a timely manner.
Management monitoring plans have been updated to include minimum training requirements for all staff.
BRN enforcement management will work with DCAs SOLID to disseminate a training survey to solicit input from enforcement staff on areas of their job duties where they believe they need additional training. The information collected from the survey will be considered in developing additional training for staff.
- Estimated Completion Date: December 2017
- Response Date: June 2017
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending
60-Day Agency Response
BRN has consulted with DOI, AGO and DCA to review and revise the DCA Enforcement Academy to address the various areas of enforcement. BRN enforcement management and staff have worked with DCA SOLID staff as subject matter experts in redesigning the DCA Enforcement Academy. The formal training courses (available beginning January 2017) will include but are not limited to:
- Basics of Enforcement
- BreEZe Enforcement Training
- Complaint Intake
- Investigation Techniques
- Leadership and Safety in the Field
- Interview Techniques for Investigators
- Investigative Report Writing
- Courtroom Testifying
- Probation Monitoring
- Investigative Subpoena Preparation
Additional courses are currently in development for other areas of enforcement. The training courses will be monitored and managed by supervisors to ensure all staff completes these training courses in a timely manner.
- Estimated Completion Date: December 2017
- Response Date: February 2017
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
All Recommendations in 2016-046
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.