Report 2015-608 Recommendation 4 Responses
Report 2015-608: High Risk: State Departments Need to Improve Their Workforce and Succession Planning Efforts to Mitigate the Risks of Increasing Retirements (Release Date: May 2015)
Recommendation #4 To: Human Resources, California Department of
To better enable CalHR to provide assistance to departments that is tailored to their needs, CalHR should survey state departments at least biannually to determine how the departments perceive the effectiveness of the resources and tools CalHR makes available to them.
6-Month Agency Response
As stated in our 60 day update, CalHR has adopted this recommendation.
CalHR continues to make progress in its efforts to improve its workforce and succession planning services. Recently CalHR and the CSI project team developed a survey to be distributed to those departments that have completed their workforce plans. Among other things, the survey asks for information about the effectiveness of CalHR tools and services. The team is collecting and evaluating the survey feedback as of the date of this progress report. This survey will be sent under separate cover as Appendix C.
CalHR has also recently hired a temporary resource to reengineer its statewide workforce and succession planning consulting services. This resource will seek to update the labor intensive consulting practices in order to be more efficient and effective. In addition to creating consulting practices that are sustainable with program resources, the temporary resource will also revise the process whereby CalHR collects and evaluates its effectiveness in meeting customer needs through consulting. The consulting evaluation process will collect stakeholder feedback during the engagement and at regular intervals after the engagement as departments work to fully implement CalHR recommendations.
- Completion Date: June 2015
- Response Date: November 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented
60-Day Agency Response
CalHR adopted this recommendation.
As stated in the April 21, 2015 response to the Report, CalHR will seek to collect feedback regarding the effectiveness of tools and resources throughout the process of workforce and succession planning consulting engagements, as well as after the CalHR recommendations have been fully implemented by departments. In addition, CalHR is also collaborating with stakeholders to develop additional methods for evaluating the effectiveness of tools, resources and consultation services.
- Completion Date: April 2015
- Response Date: July 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
The department did not provide documentation supporting the actions it identified in its response, but indicated it plans to provide the documentation as part of its six-month response.
- Auditee did not substantiate its claim of full implementation
All Recommendations in 2015-608
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.