Report 2015-608 Recommendation 2 Responses
Report 2015-608: High Risk: State Departments Need to Improve Their Workforce and Succession Planning Efforts to Mitigate the Risks of Increasing Retirements (Release Date: May 2015)
Recommendation #2 To: Human Resources, California Department of
To improve the guidance that CalHR provides departments on how to mitigate the challenges of an aging workforce that will result in the retirement of many highly experienced employees, CalHR should develop a process by December 2015 to periodically evaluate and update its workforce and succession planning materials.
1-Year Agency Response
CalHR fully implemented this recommendation on schedule.
As explained in our six month progress report, CalHR partnered with stakeholders from a Civil Service Improvement (CSI) Workforce and Succession Planning Project Team to evaluate and update all statewide workforce and succession planning materials. In addition to this CSI initiative, in December 2015, CalHR implemented new program procedures describing how it will continue to periodically evaluate and update its workforce and succession planning materials. The Standard Operating Procedures for workforce and succession planning tool and resource evaluation will be sent under separate cover as Appendix A. The evaluation procedures include steps to conduct an environmental scan in order to ensure that CalHR is offering state departments the most effective and relevant workforce and succession planning materials.
- Completion Date: December 2015
- Response Date: May 2016
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
6-Month Agency Response
CalHR continues to partner with stakeholders participating in the Civil Service Improvement (CSI) workforce and succession planning project team in order to expedite the process of reviewing and updating statewide workforce and succession planning models and associated tools and resources. The CSI team has a project plan to review all workforce and succession planning materials offered by CalHR and they have made significant progress in completing this comprehensive review process. This project plan will be sent under separate cover as Appendix A. This team is also developing processes for CalHR to regularly evaluate and update its statewide workforce and succession planning materials to ensure they adequately support agency and department efforts to create and maintain effective workforce and succession plans.
- Estimated Completion Date: December 2015
- Response Date: November 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending
60-Day Agency Response
CalHR is on schedule to implement this recommendation by December 2015.
CalHR partnered with a group of stakeholders participating in Civil Service Improvement (CSI) efforts in order to expedite the process of reviewing and updating statewide workforce and succession planning models and associated tools and resources. This same team is also helping to update the processes whereby CalHR regularly evaluates and updates its statewide workforce and succession planning materials. To date, the joint CalHR/CSI team completed its initial review of the newly proposed workforce and succession planning models and recommendations have been made for how to provide guidance on the use of the updated models.
- Estimated Completion Date: December 2015
- Response Date: July 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
All Recommendations in 2015-608
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.