Report 2015-132 Recommendation 11 Responses
Report 2015-132: County Pay Practices: Although the Counties We Visited Have Rules in Place to Ensure Fairness, Data Show That a Gender Wage Gap Still Exists (Release Date: May 2016)
Recommendation #11 To: Los Angeles County
To ensure that they can readily monitor gender-based pay equity complaints and reliably evaluate how often such complaints are filed by its employees, each county should develop tracking mechanisms that allow management to reliably determine how often these complaints occur and whether there are patterns of complaints that pertain to specific county departments or classifications.
60-Day Agency Response
Los Angeles County agrees with this recommendation and in May 2016 completed the necessary system enhancements to begin tracking gender-related pay and promotional complaints. The County's Policy of Equity Program includes a complaint intake unit as well as an investigations unit, where each unit has a separate database for tracking complaints and investigations. New categories were added to each of these databases to reliably track complaints that fall into the categories of gender-related pay and promotional disparities.
Reports from each of these databases covering the period between May 2016, when the enhancements were implemented, and July 2016, have been sent to Ralph Flynn at, as supporting documentation for this update.
- Completion Date: May 2016
- Response Date: July 2016
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Fully Implemented
All Recommendations in 2015-132
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.