Report 2015-121 Recommendation 8 Responses

Report 2015-121: California Department of Veterans Affairs: The State Paid Nearly $28 Million for a Flawed System That Fails to Meet the Needs of Its Veterans Homes (Release Date: June 2016)

Recommendation #8 To: Veterans Affairs, Department of

To ensure that it only accepts deliverables and pays for deliverables that are complete and that meet the contract requirements, by September 2016 CalVet should establish processes to strengthen its contract management on all future projects by requiring the project manager to sign off on invoices along with the contract manager before approving payment.

1-Year Agency Response

CalVet has revised it's IT Project Policy to add the project manager and contract manager responsibility of signing off on invoices before payment is approved.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

6-Month Agency Response

CalVet has added the invoice approval requirement to the CalVet Contract Management Handbook. Mandatory training for CalVet procurement and contracting staff was held on August 23 - August 25, 2016. The CalVet Contract Management Handbook and process was introduced and addressed at the workshop.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending

The added invoice approval requirement that CalVet refers to does not require both the project manager and contract manager to approve invoices before payment, as we recommended. When we followed up with CalVet, staff indicated it will draft a policy to establish this process and plans to finalize it by the end of January 2017.

60-Day Agency Response

CalVet has added the invoice approval requirement to the CalVet Contract Management Handbook. Mandatory training for department procurement and contracting staff is scheduled for August 23 - August 25, 2016. The CalVet Contract Management Handbook and process will be introduced and addressed at the workshop.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

All Recommendations in 2015-121

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.