Report 2015-115 Recommendation Responses
Report 2015-115: Dually Involved Youth: The State Cannot Determine the Effectiveness of Efforts to Serve Youth Who Are Involved in Both the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems (Release Date: February 2016)
Recommendation for Legislative Action
To better understand and serve the dually involved youth population, the Legislature should require the Judicial Council to work with county CWS and probation agencies and state representatives to establish a committee, or to work with an existing committee, to share the common identifier, definitions, and outcomes with the Legislature, for their consideration to require counties to utilize and track these elements.
Description of Legislative Action
Assembly Bill 1911 (Chapter 637, Statutes of 2016), in part, requires the Judicial Council to convene a committee comprised of stakeholders involved in serving the needs of dependents or wards of the juvenile court, as specified. The statute further requires the committee, by January 1, 2018, to develop and report to the Legislature its recommendations to facilitate and enhance comprehensive data and outcome tracking for the State's youth involved in both the child welfare system and the juvenile justice system, and requires the recommendations to include specified information including standardized definitions related these youth.
- Legislative Action Current As-of: November 2016