Report 2014-136 Recommendation 4 Responses
Report 2014-136: Coastal Improvement Fund (Release Date: January 2015)
Recommendation #4 To: Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning
To ensure that developers do not receive project credits to which they are not entitled, the county should develop a mechanism that will allow its enforcement unit to verify that the developer actually earned the credits it received.
60-Day Agency Response
The Department of Regional Planning has developed new language to include in all future Marina del Rey projects subject to the Coastal Improvement Fund. This language will be included as a condition of approval will specifically state the total CIF contribution due and/or how much project credit was received. This new language along with our existing condition for permit inspections will allow our enforcement team to verify the developer actually earned the credits it received.
Condition Language:
The applicant is developing XX net new residential units and the CIF fee is calculated at a rate of (specify current rate). The total CIF fee due, prior to any project credit is $XXXX. The applicant is providing XX square feet of improved public open space (include description of improvements, i.e. promenade, landscaping, etc.). Project credit is calculated at a rate of (specify current rate). Based on the total square footage of improved public open space, the applicant has a CIF credit of $XXXX. Therefore, the applicant fulfills the CIF requirements through the on-site provision of public open space. - OR - Therefore the applicant fulfills the CIF requirements through the combination of an on-site provision of public open space and a CIF contribution in the amount of $XXXX.
- Completion Date: April 2015
- Response Date: April 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Fully Implemented
All Recommendations in 2014-136
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.