Report 2014-135R Recommendation 5 Responses

Report 2014-135R: Magnolia Science Academies: Although the Financial Condition of These Charter Schools Has Improved, Their Financial Controls Still Need to Be Strengthened (Release Date: May 2015)

Recommendation #5 To: Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation

To strengthen its controls over purchases that principals make at the academies, the Foundation should update its accounting manual to require academy principals to obtain written authorization before processing purchases on their debit cards that are higher than established thresholds. The Foundation should also revise its accounting manual to prohibit the use of debit cards for travel except in the case of a documented emergency.

6-Month Agency Response

As of June 30, 2015, the organization has discontinued the use of debit cards and has assigned credit cards to all school principals and key employees. The new credit cards are the responsibility of the cardholders, and the expenditures are reimbursed in accordance with the policies and procedures manual.

The new policiy "CSH111 COMPANY-ISSUED CREDIT CARDS" has been board approved and is currently in effect for the organization.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

60-Day Agency Response

As of June 30, 2015, the organization has discontinued the use of debit cards and has assigned credit cards to all school principals and key employees. The new credit cards are the responsibility of the cardholders, and the expenditures are reimbursed in accordance with the policies and procedures manual.

The new policiy "CSH111 COMPANY-ISSUED CREDIT CARDS" has been board approved and is currently in effect for the organization.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

Although it claims that it has fully implemented this recommendation through a new credit card policy, the Foundation--despite our requests--has not provided us with the new policy to substantiate its claim.

All Recommendations in 2014-135R

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.