Report 2014-131 Recommendation Responses

Report 2014-131: California State Government Websites: Departments Must Improve Website Accessibility So That Persons With Disabilities Have Comparable Access to State Services Online (Release Date: June 2015)

Recommendation for Legislative Action

To help ensure that all state governmental entities appropriately test their websites for accessibility, the Legislature should direct all state governmental entities to report every other year to CalTech regarding the frequency and method of their web accessibility testing and their efforts to resolve accessibility issues they identify. Such reporting should include signed certifications from the highest-ranking technology officer at the governmental entity and documentation that supports the claimed testing as well as the entity's effort to fix identified issues. Further, the Legislature should direct CalTech to assess the sufficiency of each governmental entity's testing and remediation approach and publicize the results of its review online.

Description of Legislative Action

As of June 2, 2020, the Legislature has not taken action to address this specific recommendation. However, legislation enacted in 2017 (AB 434, Chapter 780, Statutes of 2017) partially implements this recommendation.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Partially Implemented

Description of Legislative Action

The Legislature has not taken any recent action to address this recommendation. However, legislation enacted in 2017 (AB 434, Chapter 780, Statutes of 2017) partially implements this recommendation.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Partially Implemented

Description of Legislative Action

AB 434 (Chapter 780, Statutes of 2017) requires the director or each state agency or entity and the chief information officer of that state agency or entity, before July 1, 2019, and before July 1 biennially thereafter, to post on the home page of the agency's or entity's Internet website a signed certification that the agency's or entity's Internet website is in compliance with specified accessibility standards.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Partially Implemented

Description of Legislative Action

AB 434 (Baker, Chapter 780, Statutes of 2017) requires the director or each state agency or entity and the chief information officer of that state agency or entity, before July 1, 2019, and before July 1 biennially thereafter, to post on the home page of the agency's or entity's Internet website a signed certification that the agency's or entity's Internet website is in compliance with specified accessibility standards.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Partially Implemented

Description of Legislative Action

Legislation has not been introduced to address this recommendation.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: No Action Taken

All Recommendations in 2014-131