Report 2014-125 All Recommendation Responses
Report 2014-125: California Department of State Hospitals: It Could Increase the Consistency of Its Evaluations of Sex Offenders by Improving Its Assessment Protocol and Training (Release Date: March 2015)
Recommendation for Legislative Action
To promote efficiency, the Legislature should change state law to allow State Hospitals the flexibility to stop an evaluation once the evaluator determines that the offender does not meet one of the SVP criteria.
Description of Legislative Action
As of March 2020, the Legislature has not taken any action to address this specific recommendation.
- Legislative Action Current As-of: March 2020
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: No Action Taken
Description of Legislative Action
The Legislature has not taken any action to address this specific recommendation.
- Legislative Action Current As-of: March 2019
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: No Action Taken
Description of Legislative Action
The Legislature has not taken any action to address this specific recommendation.
- Legislative Action Current As-of: March 2019
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: No Action Taken
Description of Legislative Action
Legislation has not been introduced to address this recommendation.
- Legislative Action Current As-of: January 2016
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: No Action Taken
Recommendation #2 To: State Hospitals, Department of
To improve the consistency of its evaluations, by June 2015, State Hospitals should create a written policy that requires its evaluators to include the following documentation in their evaluations: detail describing all the documentation they reviewed, the offender's psychosexual history, a description of the risk assessment instruments the evaluator used and the scoring tool for those risk assessments, and acknowledgement of the evaluator's review of the DECS report.
60-Day Agency Response
By May 18, 2015, DSH will issue a Forensic Division Information Letter (FDIL) to DSH evaluators and a Contract Evaluator Letter (CEL) to contracted evaluators that identifies the information they shall review and document in their evaluations.
- Estimated Completion Date: May 18, 2015
- Response Date: May 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Fully Implemented
On May 18, 2015 the department released the FDIL and CEL mentioned in its response above. The letters list specific elements the department expects all evaluators to include in evaluations, including each of the elements named in the recommendation.
Recommendation #3 To: State Hospitals, Department of
To promote consistency and ensure that it provides sufficient guidance to evaluators, State Hospitals should update its assessment protocol by March 2016 to include more specific instructions on how to conduct evaluations, such as what assessment instruments evaluators may use and what documents they should consider. State Hospitals should also develop a timeline for periodically reviewing and making any necessary updates to the assessment protocol.
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From March 2019
DSH has been working with the California Office of Administrative Law (OAL) since March of 2016 to promulgate rules to provide a standardized assessment protocol for evaluators conducting forensic evaluations on individuals referred to the DSH as potentially sexually violent predators. The OAL approved the rulemaking for Sexually Violent Predator Standardized Assessment Protocol. The rulemaking file was endorsed and approved with the Secretary of State on January 15, 2019. This regulatory action becomes effective April 1, 2019. DSH will solely rely on the regulations and not utilize an assessment protocol tool.
DSH has issued Information Letter:19-002 on March 5, 2019 to all Forensic Services Division Civil Service Evaluators to inform Sexually Violent Predator Evaluators and Consulting Psychologists of the new regulations promulgated in Title 9, Sections 4011, 4012, 4013, 4014, 4014.1, and 4015, of the California Code of Regulations to be effective April 1, 2019. Therefore, this recommendation is fully implemented.
- Completion Date: March 2019
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Fully Implemented
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2018
DSH continues to be in the regulation process.
- Estimated Completion Date: March 2020
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Pending
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From March 2018
The DSH continues to be in the regulation process.
- Estimated Completion Date: March 31, 2019
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Pending
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From November 2017
DSH is finalizing the regulatory approval process. The regulation package to standardize assessment protocol will include more specific instruction on how to conduct evaluations and is expected to proceed through the regulatory process throughout 2018.
- Estimated Completion Date: December 2018
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Pending
Completion of this recommendation is pending completion of the regulatory process.
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2016
DSH is in the process of developing proposed regulations for a Standardized Assessment Protocol. DSH anticipates it will begin the regulatory approval process in December 2017.
- Estimated Completion Date: December 2018
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Not Fully Implemented
1-Year Agency Response
In March 2016, DSH initiated the regulatory process. This was used to develop the Standardized Assessment Protocol to be codified into a regulation. The assessment protocol has been updated to include more specific instruction for conducting evaluations.
- Estimated Completion Date: March 31, 2016
- Response Date: March 2016
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Pending
Completion of this recommendation is pending completion of the regulatory process.
6-Month Agency Response
DSH plans that by March 31, 2016 the regulatory process will be initiated to update the standardized assessment protocol to include more specific instruction on how to conduct evaluations. DSH will develop a timeline for annual review of the protocol to make updates as necessary.
- Estimated Completion Date: March 31, 2016
- Response Date: September 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending
60-Day Agency Response
DSH appreciates the CA State Auditors comments and has
revised the implementation timeframe for this recommendation. DSH will update the standardized assessment protocol by August 31, 2015 and initiate the regulatory process in September of 2015. DSH will review the protocol annually to make updates as necessary.
- Estimated Completion Date: August 31, 2015
- Response Date: May 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
Recommendation #4 To: State Hospitals, Department of
To comply with state law, State Hospitals should ensure that it follows the Administrative Procedures Act for future changes to its standardized assessment protocol.
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From March 2019
DSH followed the Administrative Procedures Act to make changes to its standardized assessment protocol. The Office of Administrative Law approved the rulemaking for Sexually Violent Predator Standardized Assessment Protocol. The rulemaking file was endorsed and approved with the Secretary of State on January 15, 2019. This regulatory action becomes effective April 1, 2019. Therefore, this recommendation is fully implemented.
- Completion Date: March 2019
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Fully Implemented
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2018
DSH continues to be in the regulation process.
- Estimated Completion Date: March 2020
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Pending
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From March 2018
DSH continues to be in the regulation process.
- Estimated Completion Date: March 31, 2019
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Pending
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From November 2017
To implement standardized assessment protocol regulations, as specified in recommendation 3, the DSH will follow the Administrative Procedure Act specified at Rulemaking Process.htm and will do so for future proposed regulations.
- Estimated Completion Date: December 2019
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Pending
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2016
To implement standardized assessment protocol regulations, as specified in recommendation 3, the DSH will follow the Administrative Procedure Act specified at Rulemaking Process.htm and will do so for future proposed regulations.
- Estimated Completion Date: December 2019
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Not Fully Implemented
1-Year Agency Response
DSH followed the Administrative Procedure Act specified at to develop the standardized assessment protocol regulations specified in recommendation 3 and will do so for future annual changes as applicable.
- Estimated Completion Date: March 2018
- Response Date: March 2016
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Pending
6-Month Agency Response
DSH will follow the Administrative Procedure Act for future changes to the standardized assessment protocol where appropriate. Implementation will be coordinated with the above regulatory process.
- Estimated Completion Date: April 2016
- Response Date: September 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending
We acknowledge that the department expects to follow procedures in the Administrative Procedure Act (Act) when making changes to the standardized assessment protocol. However, we will not consider this recommendation as fully implemented until the department initiates changes to the protocol following the requirements of the Act.
60-Day Agency Response
DSH will follow the Administrative Procedure Act for future changes to the standardized assessment protocol where appropriate.
- Completion Date: April 2015
- Response Date: May 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
We acknowledge that the department expects to follow procedures in the Administrative Procedure Act (Act) when making changes to the standardized assessment protocol. However, we will not consider this recommendation as fully implemented until the department initiates changes to the protocol following the requirements of the Act. As the department notes in Recommendation 3, it anticipates beginning a regulatory process in September 2015.
Recommendation #5 To: State Hospitals, Department of
To improve the consistency and completeness of its evaluations, by December 2015 State Hospitals should develop a plan for the formal, supervisory review of evaluations from a clinical perspective that balances the needs of the program with its resource limitations. For example, rather than attempting to review every evaluation, State Hospitals could focus its review efforts on those evaluations most at risk of error or inconsistency, such as those completed by the newest evaluators. If State Hospitals adopts this or a similar approach, it should review the remaining evaluations on a sample basis.
1-Year Agency Response
In January 2016, DSH hired two Chief Psychologists to supervise evaluators. DSH implemented a quality assurance policy that addresses the evaluation review process for newly hired evaluators and experienced evaluators to improve the consistency and completeness of evaluations from a clinical perspective.
- Completion Date: February 2016
- Response Date: March 2016
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
In February 2016, the department issued policies related to quality assurance and supervisory review for its evaluators. The policies include training for new evaluators and random case sampling and review for experienced evaluators. In addition, as noted in its response, the department hired two chief psychologists who, according to the new procedures, are a part of the quality assurance team.
6-Month Agency Response
DSH intends to recruit for clinical supervisory positions and hire by November 2015. DSH currently focuses its review process on newly hired evaluators and plans to adopt a process by December 31, 2015 to review remaining evaluations on a sample basis.
- Estimated Completion Date: December 31, 2015
- Response Date: September 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending
60-Day Agency Response
DSH has begun the process to recruit and hire two (2) Senior
Supervising Psychologists to provide clinical supervision improving the clinical supervisory review process. DSH will by December 2015 have a process to review evaluations of newly hired evaluators and a sampling methodology to review the evaluations of more experienced evaluators.
- Estimated Completion Date: December 31, 2015
- Response Date: May 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
Recommendation #6 To: State Hospitals, Department of
To ensure that it can demonstrate the consistency of Coalinga's supervisory review of annual evaluations, by June 2015 State Hospitals should direct Coalinga to formally adopt its checklist for reviewing evaluations, provide the checklist to its evaluators, and include the checklist as part of its evaluation process. State Hospitals should also develop a checklist for the evaluations it performs at its headquarters and adopt it as part of its standardized assessment protocol by March 2016.
1-Year Agency Response
A checklist for the evaluations performed by headquarters evaluators was developed and in February 2016, it was adopted has part of its standardized assessment protocol. The evaluation review checklist will be utilized in reviewing completed SVP evaluations and aid in the supervisory quality assurance process.
- Completion Date: February 2016
- Response Date: March 2016
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
Although the standardized assessment protocol is not in use pending regulatory approval, we note the department developed the checklists and instructed evaluators to use them. We therefore consider this recommendation fully implemented.
6-Month Agency Response
On June 1, 2015, DSH-Coalinga fully implemented the use of a checklist for reviewing evaluations and has provided the checklist to its evaluators as part of the evaluation process. On August 31, 2015, DSH-Headquarters developed a checklist for reviewing evaluations and provides the checklist to evaluators.
- Completion Date: August 2015
- Response Date: September 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Partially Implemented
As noted in its response, State Hospitals has developed checklists for reviewing evaluations at both Coalinga State Hospital and DSH Headquarters. However, State Hospitals does not indicate whether it will include these checklists as part of its standardized assessment protocol. Thus, we consider this recommendation as only partially implemented.
- Auditee did not address all aspects of the recommendation
60-Day Agency Response
By June 2015, DSH-Coalinga will implement the use of a checklist
for reviewing evaluations and provide the checklist to its evaluators as part of the evaluation process. By August 1, 2015 DSH-Headquarters will develop a checklist for reviewing evaluations and provide the checklist to evaluators.
- Estimated Completion Date: August 1, 2015
- Response Date: May 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
Recommendation #7 To: State Hospitals, Department of
To ensure that it has the data necessary to inform its training and supervision of evaluators, State Hospitals should identify the most efficient means for obtaining the outcomes of past trials—at least the outcomes of three years of past trials if possible—and should ensure that it includes such outcomes in its database by March 2016. Additionally, by June 2015 it should establish procedures to ensure that it promptly collects the outcomes from current and future trials. Finally, State Hospitals should develop procedures to analyze these data at least twice annually to identify any trends in cases in which the courts' determinations differed from the State Hospitals evaluators' recommendations. It should use this information to provide training and supervision where they are most needed.
6-Month Agency Response
In June 2015, DSH established and formalized a procedure to ensure collection of outcomes from current and future trials. DSH identified three years of past trials and a method to collect the data. DSH developed a report from its database that effectively captures the trial outcome information.
In addition, DSH developed procedures based on the report to analyze the data at least twice annually to identify trends in which court determinations differed from evaluator recommendations.
- Completion Date: June 2015
- Response Date: September 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented
State Hospitals provided documentation that it collected and analyzed court outcomes from January 2012 through January 2015 and calculated a rate at which court opinions and evaluator opinions disagreed. State Hospitals also provided us with a procedure finalized in November 2015 that directs a data and research unit to update a report of trial outcomes versus evaluator decisions at least twice yearly. According to State Hospitals, it developed this procedure in June 2015. State Hospitals also provided an October 2015 memo that directs the chief psychologist and program chief to analyze the trial outcome data and make recommendations related to needed quality assurance measures.
60-Day Agency Response
DSH has established and formalized a procedure to ensure
collection of outcomes from current and future trials. DSH has identified three years of past trials where DSH does not have a trial outcome and will identify a method to collect the data. DSH will by March 2016 make modifications to its database so that it can effectively capture the trial outcome information and develop procedures to analyze the data at least twice annually to identify trends in which court determinations differed from evaluator recommendation and use this information for training and supervisory purposes.
- Estimated Completion Date: March 31, 2016
- Response Date: May 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
Recommendation #8 To: State Hospitals, Department of
To ensure that its evaluators, including those at Coalinga, have the necessary training to conduct evaluations effectively and consistently, State Hospitals should complete development of comprehensive training plans for all evaluators by June 2015. In addition, by September 2015 State Hospitals should provide training on the Static-99R and dynamic risk assessment instruments to all new evaluators and those who have not yet received such training.
6-Month Agency Response
DSH has in coordination with DSH-Coalinga completed and coordinated a comprehensive training plan on August 31, 2015. DSH-Headquarters and DSH-Coalinga have identified evaluators who have not received training on the Static 99R and a dynamic risk assessment tool. By close of September 2015, all identified evaluators will have been provided training on dynamic risk assessment and on the Static 99R.
- Completion Date: September 2015
- Response Date: September 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented
60-Day Agency Response
DSH will in coordination with DSH Coalinga complete and
coordinate a comprehensive training plan by June 2015. DSH Headquarters and DSH-Coalinga have identified evaluators who have not received training on the Static 99R and a dynamic risk assessment tool and will provide training on dynamic risk assessment in June of 2015 and on the Static 99R in September 2015.
- Estimated Completion Date: September 30, 2015
- Response Date: May 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
Recommendation #9 To: State Hospitals, Department of
To ensure that all its evaluators are aware of changes in forensic evaluations, State Hospitals should provide annual training on updates to risk assessment instruments.
6-Month Agency Response
DSH provides annual training on updates to risk assessment instruments. Annual training on updates is included in the comprehensive plan and in coordination with the above comprehensive training plan.
- Completion Date: September 2015
- Response Date: September 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented
State Hospitals training plan lists upcoming training for staff on updates to risk assessment scheduled for April and June 2016.
60-Day Agency Response
DSH will provide annual training on updates to risk assessment instruments to its evaluators beginning Spring of 2016.
- Estimated Completion Date: March 31, 2016
- Response Date: May 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
Recommendation #10 To: State Hospitals, Department of
To demonstrate that it has provided appropriate training and that its employees have received that training, State Hospitals should immediately begin maintaining training records for all employee and contract evaluators.
1-Year Agency Response
As of February 29, 2016, DSH-Sacramento and DSH-Coalinga are maintaining databases to track evaluator training.
- Completion Date: February 2016
- Response Date: March 2016
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
6-Month Agency Response
DSH has established procedures to track training(s) and maintain records. DSH is currently in the process of inputting training records for all employees and contract evaluators. All records will be tracked and maintained by December 2015.
- Estimated Completion Date: December 2015
- Response Date: September 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending
60-Day Agency Response
DSH has established procedures to track training(s) and maintain
records and will implement on May 18, 2015.
- Estimated Completion Date: May 18, 2015
- Response Date: May 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Partially Implemented
On May 20, 2015 State Hospitals finalized a a policy for processing training requests from evaluators. That policy describes the records evaluators must submit in order to have the training approved. In addition, it notes that the program support unit will maintain copies of all records submitted as part of the training request in evaluators' files. However, the policy is recent and it is not yet apparent that State Hospitals is maintaining these records according to the new policy.
Recommendation #11 To: State Hospitals, Department of
By June 2015 State Hospitals should establish a formal process for consistently documenting that it has verified that the individuals it hires as evaluators meet all the minimum qualifications for their positions. State Hospitals should ensure that staff at Coalinga follow the process established in Coalinga's checklist for validating the past employment of employee and contract evaluators.
1-Year Agency Response
As of December 2015, DSH has implemented an eligibility checklist to review contractor applications to ensure that the evaluator has the minimum qualifications necessary to qualify for the position. This process will be used also when there is a need to hire new contractors.
- Completion Date: December 2015
- Response Date: March 2016
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
In prior responses, the department noted it had developed new checklists for ensuring that the individuals it hires as evaluators at both headquarters and Coalinga meet the minimum qualifications. In January 2016 the department issued memos from the deputy director at headquarters and the executive director at Coalinga to the respective supervisors indicating that these checklists are to be used when hiring individuals into the evaluator positions. In addition, the department has implemented an eligibility checklist to review contractor applications.
6-Month Agency Response
DSH-Coalinga has instituted a process and checklist for validating past employment and minimum qualifications of new employee and contract evaluators. DSH-Headquarters has adopted the use of a recruit memorandum that documents that new hire evaluators meet minimum qualifications and eligibility requirements.
- Completion Date: September 2015
- Response Date: September 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Partially Implemented
Although State Hospitals provided copies of its checklists, based on follow-up discussion with the State Hospitals, it has not yet developed written procedures for using the checklists. State Hospitals stated that it expects to complete the procedures by December 2015. Therefore, we assess the status of this recommendation as partially implemented until it demonstrates completion of written procedures.
- Auditee did not address all aspects of the recommendation
60-Day Agency Response
All hired evaluators meet the minimum qualifications for hire. DSH plans that by June 2015, DSH-Coalinga will institute a
process and checklist for validating past employment and minimum qualifications of new employee and contract evaluators. DSH-Headquarters has adopted the use of a recruit memorandum that documents that new hire evaluators meet minimum qualifications and eligibility requirements. By June 2015 DSH-Headquarters and DSH -Coalinga will develop and adopt the use of a similar tool to verify qualifications and experience of contracted evaluators.
- Estimated Completion Date: June 30,2015
- Response Date: May 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
Recommendation #12 To: State Hospitals, Department of
To improve its overall effectiveness, by December 2015 State Hospitals should further analyze the rate at which its evaluators determine that offenders meet the SVP criteria. State Hospitals should focus its analysis on evaluations it performed in the most recent three fiscal years because of its transition to civil service evaluators and because of changes to state law have affected how it performs evaluations. State Hospitals should establish what the normal acceptable ranges for commitment rates are and work with evaluators whose findings consistently fall outside that range.
1-Year Agency Response
DSH has established quality assurance procedures that include program data analyses. The Forensic Services Division, Data and Research Unit collects data on all evaluator work products and the provided data will form the quality assurance process outlined in the policy and procedure (see recommendation 5).
- Completion Date: February 2016
- Response Date: March 2016
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
The department conducted a statistical analysis of the rate at which its evaluators determine that offenders meet the SVP criteria. Further, the department identified evaluators who fell outside the norms and indicated it begun to work with them.
6-Month Agency Response
DSH established a normal acceptable range for commitment rates in September 2015. DSH will analyze the commitment rates of evaluators and work with evaluators that consistently fall outside of the normative range by December 2015.
- Estimated Completion Date: December 2015
- Response Date: September 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending
60-Day Agency Response
DSH will by December 2015, establish a normal acceptable range
for commitment rates. DSH will analyze the commitment rates of evaluators and work with evaluators that consistently fall outside of the normative range.
- Estimated Completion Date: December 31, 2015
- Response Date: May 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
Recommendation #13 To: State Hospitals, Department of
To ensure that it has an effective method for assigning and tracking evaluator workload, by September 2015 State Hospitals should establish a formal process for periodically reviewing its workload matrices. This process should include periodic assessments of how well evaluators are meeting their workload expectations and whether adjustments would be appropriate. The process should also include input from key stakeholders.
1-Year Agency Response
DSH established a workload matrix that will be reviewed periodically by the Chief Psychologists and quality assurance team through the policy and procedure implemented on February 19, 2016 (see recommendation 5). The quality assurance process will be utilized to assess the evaluator workload matrix, workload expectations and workload adjustments as would be appropriate.
- Completion Date: February 2016
- Response Date: March 2016
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
6-Month Agency Response
By December 2015, DSH will establish a formal process, with input from key stakeholders, for periodically reviewing the evaluator workload matrix and assessing workload expectations and workload adjustments that would be appropriate.
- Estimated Completion Date: December 2015
- Response Date: September 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending
60-Day Agency Response
DSH plans that by September 2015, a formal process will be
established, with input from key stakeholders, for periodically reviewing the evaluator workload matrix and assessing workload expectations and workload adjustments that would be appropriate.
- Estimated Completion Date: September 30, 2015
- Response Date: May 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
Recommendation #14 To: State Hospitals, Department of
State Hospitals should explore options for tracking the time evaluators spend on each evaluation activity to increase the accuracy of the workload equivalencies it includes in its workload matrix and should implement such options by September 2015.
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From March 2017
CPS HR Consulting finalized the time study analysis November 2016. Effective January 11, 2017, Department of State Hospitals (DSH) implemented changes to the workload equivalencies. DSH is moving forward with providing workload adjustments which will be reviewed on a quarterly basis and implementation of efficiencies with a follow-up by CPS. This has been communicated to evaluators through the Forensic Services Division Quarterly meeting.
- Completion Date: January 2017
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Fully Implemented
Although this is not a time sheet-based solution as we had described in the audit report, our recommendation was to explore options for increasing the accuracy of workload equivalencies. State Hospitals has reviewed its workload equivalencies and has committed to further reviewing its workload on a quarterly basis. This addresses the concern we raised in the report that "without meaningful periodic analysis of the evaluator matrix and the time that evaluators spend on evaluations, State Hospitals risks increasing pressure to rush evaluations or wasting resources while evaluators are idle."
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2016
On March 30, 2016, the DSH executed a contract with CPS HR Consulting to conduct a time study of the evaluator workload. DSH expects to receive a complete report by November 30, 2016. The information will be used to determine whether the workload equivalencies used in its workload matrix should be adjusted. This is estimated to be completed by mid-February 2017.
- Estimated Completion Date: February 2017
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Not Fully Implemented
1-Year Agency Response
The Department of State Hospitals is executing a contract with CPS HR Consulting to conduct a time study of the evaluator workload. The contract is in the procurement process and is expected to be executed April 2016.
- Estimated Completion Date: April 2016
- Response Date: March 2016
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Pending
6-Month Agency Response
In August 2015, DSH completed a survey submitted to evaluators regarding the time required to complete work and work related activities. DSH analyzed the information and made necessary adjustments. Additionally, DSH is contracting with a vendor to conduct a time study to provide statistical analysis as to time allotments for activities listed in the workload matrix. The contract should be executed by December 2015.
- Estimated Completion Date: December 2015
- Response Date: September 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending
60-Day Agency Response
DSH has developed a survey that will by July 2015 survey the
evaluators regarding the time required to complete work and work related activities. DSH will analyze the information and make adjustments as necessary.
- Estimated Completion Date: July 31, 2015
- Response Date: May 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
Recommendation #15 To: State Hospitals, Department of
To reduce its backlog of annual evaluations at Coalinga and reduce the number of days these evaluations are overdue, State Hospitals should immediately determine the extent to which its evaluators who work at headquarters can provide assistance to Coalinga. To ensure that it does not develop a similar backlog in the future, State Hospitals should continue its efforts to hire evaluators sufficient to meet its workload.
6-Month Agency Response
DSH-Headquarters identified two (2) evaluators on May 1, 2015 to be temporarily assigned to assist DSH-Coalinga. Additionally, DSH-Coalinga is hiring seven (7) additional Consulting Psychologists and continues to explore options to hire contract evaluators to assist with the backlog as needed. DSH-Headquarters will continue to monitor its evaluator workload and provide assistance to DSH-Coalinga.
- Completion Date: September 2015
- Response Date: September 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented
60-Day Agency Response
DSH-Coalinga continues its efforts to hire evaluators. While DSH-
Coalinga continues to explore options to hire contract evaluators to assist with the backlog; designated DSH-Headquarters evaluators will be made available to assist DSH-Coalinga. DSH-Headquarters has identified two (2) evaluators that have been temporarily assigned to assist DSH-Coalinga with the backlog. DSH-Headquarters will continue to monitor its evaluator workload and provide assistance to DSH-Coalinga.
- Estimated Completion Date: October 1, 2015
- Response Date: May 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
All Recommendations in 2014-125
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.