Report 2014-122 Recommendation 9 Responses

Report 2014-122: Ross Valley Sanitary District: The Board and Management Have Only Recently Begun to Address Significant Weaknesses in the District's Financial and Administrative Functions (Release Date: April 2015)

Recommendation #9 To: Ross Valley Sanitary District

The district should strengthen its financial and administrative policies to do the following: Require all employees, including managers, to complete timesheets to track time worked and any compensated time off.

60-Day Agency Response

RVSD has implemented the use of a commercial software program, Time Control, for use by all employees up to and including the GM, for use in weekly time reporting. Time Control data is reviewed by the appropriate payroll person and directly input to QuickBooks. Time Control provides for review and approval by responsible supervisors before releasing to payroll.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in 2014-122

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.