Report 2014-116 Recommendation 16 Responses
Report 2014-116: California Department of Consumer Affairs' BreEZe System: Inadequate Planning and Oversight Led to Implementation at Far Fewer Regulatory Entities at a Significantly Higher Cost (Release Date: February 2015)
Recommendation #16 To: Consumer Affairs, Department of
Consumer Affairs should develop a process to ensure that it prepares all required project management documents and undertakes all oversight activities related to BreEZe as CalTech requires so that it can prevent or identify and monitor future problems as they arise. This includes taking steps to sufficiently respond to any concerns that the IPO specialist and the IV&V consultant raise.
60-Day Agency Response
The Department has developed a process to ensure that its IT projects meet all project management documentation requirements during their planning phase. Additionally the Department, in collaboration with Department of Technology (CalTech), has implemented a process to clearly document all activities the project undertakes in response to oversight findings related to BreEZe as identified by CalTech's IPO and IV&V oversight staff. This documentation identifies the steps taken to sufficiently respond to any concerns that the IPO specialist and the IV&V consultant raise and is reviewed in its entirety with CalTech oversight staff each month at a minimum. (Attachments 2 & 3)
- Completion Date: January 2015
- Response Date: April 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Fully Implemented
All Recommendations in 2014-116
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.