Report 2013-124 Recommendation 68 Responses

Report 2013-124: Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence: California Universities Must Better Protect Students by Doing More to Prevent, Respond to, and Resolve Incidents (Release Date: June 2014)

Recommendation #68 To: Chico, California State University

To identify ways to better serve their students, all universities should create a summary of student incidents of sexual harassment and sexual violence reported to the various departments on campus. Each university should evaluate its summary data to identify trends specific to the demographics, as well as the timing, location, and frequency of incidents, to better inform its strategies to protect students and direct its outreach efforts.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2016

Data is being collected from various locations on campus, including the University Police Department, the Student Health Center, and Title IX offices. In January of 2016, the data collected from the first half of the academic year was reviewed with the Title IX Team. Recommendations were made for future data collection, as well as training ideas developed. Outreach efforts were discussed as well. Data collection efforts are ongoing.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Fully Implemented

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From September 2015

CSU Chico has disseminated data collection documents for use by campus locations that see a high volume of reports, and has started to collect data from these locations. As of this date, we have not collected sufficient data to conduct a meaningful evaluation of trends. We will be trending and evaluating the data in December 2015, and use that data to inform our strategies around student protection, and to help direct our spring outreach efforts, as well as our efforts next fall.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Not Fully Implemented

1-Year Agency Response

CSU Chico has created and distributed a data collection document for use by campus locations that see a high volume of reports. The collected data will be used to guide the efforts of our Title IX Team. Chico will create a summary of incidents seen in the current academic/fiscal year to help guide our efforts until a suitable sample size can be created from the use of the data collection sheets. The Title IX team has also secured the cooperation and support of various colleges and professors to create, conduct, and analyze a campus climate survey around the issue of sexual misconduct. It is anticipated that the survey will be conducted in the Spring 2016 semester.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Partially Implemented

Although CSU Chico has marked this recommendation as Fully Implemented, we have assessed it as Partially Implemented. CSU Chico is still working on collecting, trending, and evaluating the data it receives from various departments on campus to better inform its strategies to protect students and direct its outreach efforts.

6-Month Agency Response

CSU, Chico has created a work group (a subcommittee of the Title IX Oversight Committee) of unit directors from areas that currently collect data to review current reporting practices and develop an operational plan to expand data collection efforts to include more descriptive statistics and frequency data as described in the recommendation. The work group has developed a template and will begin pilot testing its procedures for collecting, analyzing and reporting data during spring 2015. The work group anticipates being able to analyze and share the results with the Oversight Committee at the end of the academic year in order to begin evaluating trends and implications for future prevention and response efforts.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Partially Implemented

60-Day Agency Response

CSU, Chico has created a work group (a subcommittee of the Title IX Oversight Committee) of unit directors comprising areas that currently collect data to review current reporting practices and develop an operational plan to expand data collection efforts to include more descriptive statistics and frequency data as described in the recommendation. The work group will continue its planning activities throughout the fall, and will establish and begin pilot testing its procedures for collecting, analyzing and reporting data during spring, 2015. The work group anticipates being able to analyze and share the results with the Oversight Committee at the end of the academic year in order to begin evaluating trends and implications for future prevention and response efforts.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

All Recommendations in 2013-124

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.