Report 2013-124 Recommendation 25 Responses

Report 2013-124: Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence: California Universities Must Better Protect Students by Doing More to Prevent, Respond to, and Resolve Incidents (Release Date: June 2014)

Recommendation #25 To: University of California, Los Angeles

All universities should provide supplemental training on sexual harassment and sexual violence, including sexual assault, for all student athletes on an annual basis. Further, the universities should provide supplemental training on sexual harassment and sexual violence, including rape awareness, to all student members of fraternities and sororities on an annual basis. The universities should also determine which student organizations participate in activities that may place students at risk and ensure that they receive annual, supplemental training on sexual harassment and sexual violence, including rape awareness. Each of the trainings should be focused on situations the members of the respective student groups may encounter.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2016

UCLA provides supplemental in-person training on sexual violence and sexual harassment prevention to every student athlete (male and female). The training discusses a number of issues related to sexual violence and sexual harassment prevention. Last year, UCLA conducted in-person training to every athlete on a team-by-team basis. This year, in addition to training its athletes on issues related to sexual assault, UCLA has partnered with the One Love Foundation, an organization founded in memory of Yeardley Love (a female college athlete who was killed by her college athlete ex-boyfriend) to train the athletes on relationship violence prevention and intervention.

Supplemental training is also provided to student members of fraternities and sororities. Last year, UCLA required every fraternity and sorority member to attend an in-person training session that discussed issues related to sexual violence. In addition, UCLA launched the VIP Program where every fraternity and sorority designated one member of their house to become a prevention education liaison. The VIPs participated in numerous trainings throughout the year, and shared much of what they learned with their individual chapters. This year, the VIPs worked with UCLA to develop prevention education content tailored to the fraternities and sororities, and helped UCLA facilitate the in-person supplemental training provided to fraternity and sorority members.

UCLA also provides tailored training to other student organizations that participate in activities that may place students at risk for sexual violence. Recipients of such supplemental training include: registrants of student clubs through Student Organizations, Leadership & Engagement (SOLE); students who play club sports; students in student government; and students who work as tour guides for UCLA. UCLA is continuing to identify higher-risk student groups who could benefit from supplemental tailored training on sexual violence prevention.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Fully Implemented

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From September 2015

UCLA provided tailored in-person training to our athletes and our members of fraternities and sororities during the 2014-15 academic year.

This year, we are in the midst of providing tailored in-person programming to our almost 700 student athletes, team by team. We are also in process of delivering tailored in-person training to our 3500-person Greek Life Community.

Working with Student Organizations Leadership & Engagement ("SOLE"), as well as all club sports, UCLA is finalizing an online sexual violence prevention training module, which will be delivered to leaders of all registered SOLE organizations and all club sports participants.

We have delivered multiple in-person trainings to UCLA's Community Programs Office.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Not Fully Implemented

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From September 2015

UCLA provided tailored in-person training to our athletes and our members of fraternities and sororities during the 2014-15 academic year.

This year, we are in the midst of providing tailored in-person programming to our almost 700 student athletes, team by team. We are also in process of delivering tailored in-person training to our 3500-person Greek Life Community.

Working with Student Organizations Leadership & Engagement ("SOLE"), as well as all club sports, UCLA is finalizing an online sexual violence prevention training module, which will be delivered to leaders of all registered SOLE organizations and all club sports participants.

We have delivered multiple in-person trainings to UCLA's Community Programs Office.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Not Fully Implemented

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From September 2015

UCLA provided tailored in-person training to our athletes and our members of fraternities and sororities during the 2014-15 academic year.

This year, we are in the midst of providing tailored in-person programming to our almost 700 student athletes, team by team. We are also in process of delivering tailored in-person training to our 3500-person Greek Life Community.

Working with Student Organizations Leadership & Engagement ("SOLE"), as well as all club sports, UCLA is finalizing an online sexual violence prevention training module, which will be delivered to leaders of all registered SOLE organizations and all club sports participants.

We have delivered multiple in-person trainings to UCLA's Community Programs Office.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Not Fully Implemented

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From September 2015

Over 6200 of our approximately 9000 incoming students have completed the mandatory online education program, "Think About It." 100% compliance will be achieved through record holds. Approximately 95% of the incoming students received the in-person prevention education through orientation, and make-up sessions are scheduled.

All incoming graduate students are also being required to participate in mandated online prevention education. In-person presentations have occurred at graduate school orientation and orientations of the professional schools. Similar presentations are scheduled to occur at the various graduate divisions.

The University will send a letter to all students within the first six weeks of school reminding all students of their confidential resources and reporting options for sexual harassment and sexual violence.

Although it is too early to provide refresher training for the 2015-16 academic year (which has just begun), UCLA did provide such refresher training in the 2014-15 academic year. Specifically, in April 2015, Chancellor Block sent a letter to all students informing them of their confidential resources and reporting options.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Not Fully Implemented

1-Year Agency Response

Targeted training for the student groups identified in the President's Task Force and other student groups will be provided in person with tailored content. The newly hired Assistant Director at CARE will assist in development and delivery of prevention education, including supplemental training to targeted groups.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Partially Implemented

Although UCLA marked this as Fully Implemented, the training to other student organizations is still being developed. UCLA has updated training for athletes, fraternity, and sorority members.

6-Month Agency Response

Specific sexual misconduct training for athletes, including training in sexual assault, has been completed for all but one team. All trainings will be completed by the end of Fall quarter 2014.

All new and prospective members of fraternities and sororities received the "Blame It on the Alcohol" sexual violence prevention training during recruitment. All returning members are receiving "it's On Us to Stand" training in Fall quarter, which focuses on bystander intervention techniques in settings relevant to greek life.

All new organizations in UCLA Student Organizations, Leadership & Engagement (SOLE) have been trained. All returning organizations will be trained through the module that is being finalized in Recreation and will be sent to all signatories of returning organizations along with all Recreation club sports participants and student staff.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Partially Implemented

60-Day Agency Response

UCLA has comprehensive plans to provide additional targeted training in the Fall quarter. Special populations that will receive this additional training include all members of fraternities and sororities, and all members of intercollegiate and club sports teams. Training for fraternities and sororities is developed by a collaboration of the Title IX Officer, the Dean of Students, CARE@CAPS (Campus Assault Resources & Education at Counseling & Psychological Services), and leadership in Student Affairs. Training for Athletics and Recreation is developed by a collaboration of the Title IX Officer, the Dean of Students, CARE@CAPS(Campus Assault Resources & Education at Counseling & Psychological Services), and the leadership of staff in Athletics and Recreation.

UCLA is developing plans for additional targeted training for all student organizations.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

All Recommendations in 2013-124

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.