Report 2013-124 Recommendation 21 Responses

Report 2013-124: Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence: California Universities Must Better Protect Students by Doing More to Prevent, Respond to, and Resolve Incidents (Release Date: June 2014)

Recommendation #21 To: University of California, Los Angeles

All universities should provide their education on sexual harassment and sexual violence to incoming students as close as possible to when they arrive on campus but no later than the first few weeks of their first semester or quarter. Further, universities should provide periodic refresher educational programs, at least annually, to all students on campus to ensure that they are aware of how to handle and report incidents of sexual harassment and sexual violence.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2019

1. Yearly training is required of special populations, such as Athletes, Fraternities/Sororities, Student Organizations, and other populations UCLA deems "at risk."

2. We have contracted with a vendor to provide ongoing online training for undergraduate and graduate students. The ongoing online trainings are expected to rollout in January 2020.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Pending

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2018

UCLA continues with the practice reported in May of 2017 with the following updates:

1. Yearly training is required of special populations, such as Athletes, Fraternities/Sororities, Student Organizations, and other populations UCLA deems "at risk."

2. The Title IX Office is working with campus partners to establish a mechanism for enforcement on the refresher training for continuing students. Currently, the enforcement used for new students is by placing holds on student records. However, with over forty five thousand students, the logistics of placing holds for continuing students has caused unexpected delays. We expect to have a mechanism in place for enforcement of the refresher training for graduate students in the winter of 2018 and for undergraduate students beginning fall of 2019; the content material for these "refresher" trainings is already available to us.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Partially Implemented

As the UCLA campus indicates in its response, it expects to take actions to fully implement this recommendation by fall 2019.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From November 2017

UCLA's practice with respect to incoming students remains consistent with 2016, and satisfies the CSA recommendations with respect to incoming students. With respect to periodic refresher educational programs, UCLA provides multiple periodic refresher educational programs throughout the year, including providing students with an online training course in the spring (a companion to "Think About It").

In addition to the online refresher course, supplementary programming is marketed to various communities (Greek Life, athletics, student leaders, on campus residents) to allow for a full range of students to access and be exposed to campus resources and a prevention framework. The framework intends to target across the social ecological model addressing individual attitudes, relational health, community values, and media and legislative literacy, in an attempt to create a consistent understanding of both problem and solution. Efficacy of programs is higher when the content is tailored to the group and participants have chosen to be there.

In addition, UCLA's senior leadership sends periodic messages to students and the reminding them of their rights, resources and options.

UCLA submits that the provision of these educational programs, and the communications, fully implement the CSA's recommendation, which stated that UCLA had to provide such programs but did not state that UCLA had to require that returning students participate in such programs.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Partially Implemented

Consistent with our assessment of UCLA's response to this recommendation in 2016, we do not consider this recommendation fully implemented because it does not ensure that all students take a refresher educational program at least annually. In its response this year, UCLA asserts that our recommendation states that UCLA had to provide such programs but did not state that UCLA had to require that returning students participate in such programs. However, we do not agree that periodic refresher educational programs can be considered provided to all students, as we recommended, if participation is not required. Further, as we stated on page 28 of our report, voluntary educational programs can be useful; however, to ensure that every student on campus is consistently and regularly made aware of how to handle and report incidents of sexual harassment and sexual violence, universities should require all students to complete mandatory refresher training.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2016

In accordance with mandates from UCOP, UCLA requires that every incoming student receive three points of education within the first six weeks of fall quarter. First, every incoming student (undergraduate, graduate and professional) must participate in an online education program ("Think About It," by Campus Clarity). Second, in-person sexual violence and sexual harassment education is provided to every new student. A large number of the new students (undergraduate and graduate) receive this in-person training at orientation. Students who do not attend the training at orientation must attend one of several other in-person training sessions that are provided. Participation in both the online education module and the in-person orientation is tracked, and students who do not complete both the in-person training and the online training receive a registration hold on their records. Third, in addition to this in-person and online training, all students (incoming and returning) receive additional written communication about sexual violence prevention. This written communication includes information about the reporting options and resources available to students who have experienced sexual violence.

Refresher training occurs throughout the year for all students. Such refresher training is delivered in a variety of ways, including: written communications (such as the one described above); online trainings; a forum convened by the Title IX office to discuss the UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment; workshops and trainings conducted by the Campus Assault Resources & Education (CARE) office; and a variety of other in-person trainings and prevention awareness workshops offered throughout the year.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Not Fully Implemented

UCLA stated written communication is provided to students on reporting options and resources available to students who have experienced sexual violence. Further, UCLA stated the campus provides several key educational opportunities to all students. However, attendance is not required at these educational opportunities. Therefore, UCLA cannot ensure all students take a refresher educational program at least annually. For this reason, we have marked this recommendation as not fully implemented.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From September 2015

Over 6200 of our approximately 9000 incoming students have completed the mandatory online education program, "Think About It." 100% compliance will be achieved through record holds. Approximately 95% of the incoming students received the in-person prevention education through orientation, and make-up sessions are scheduled.

All incoming graduate students are also being required to participate in mandated online prevention education. In-person presentations have occurred at graduate school orientation and orientations of the professional schools. Similar presentations are scheduled to occur at the various graduate divisions.

The University will send a letter to all students within the first six weeks of school reminding all students of their confidential resources and reporting options for sexual harassment and sexual violence.

Although it is too early to provide refresher training for the 2015-16 academic year (which has just begun), UCLA did provide such refresher training in the 2014-15 academic year. Specifically, in April 2015, Chancellor Block sent a letter to all students informing them of their confidential resources and reporting options.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Not Fully Implemented

1-Year Agency Response

Incoming freshmen to receive training in orientation, during the summer, and refresher training at the start of the quarter. Transfer students to receive online education at the start of Fall quarter. Record holds will ensure 100% compliance. The Prevention Education Steering Committee members will ensure training is compliant with relevant laws and requirements (e.g., Violence Against Women Act ("VAWA"), UC President's Task Force on Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence and Sexual Assault ("President's Task Force")). Core concepts, developed by President's Task Force, will be covered at the initial stage (first 6 weeks at UC), on an ongoing basis (at least twice per year (i.e., semester or quarter) without duplication). Targeted groups will receive additional education opportunities with tailored content. The newly hired Assistant Director at CARE will assist in development and delivery of prevention education.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Partially Implemented

Although UCLA has marked this as Fully Implemented, it is still working on the refresher training that will be provided to all students annually.

6-Month Agency Response

Incoming freshmen (first year - FY) received training in orientation, during the summer, and refresher training at the start of the quarter. Record holds ensured compliance and we have 100% compliance.

Transfer students received online education which was completed at the start of Fall quarter, and record holds ensured 100% compliance.

The university is in the process of determining how to best provide periodic refresher educational programs to all students at least annually.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Partially Implemented

60-Day Agency Response

Incoming freshmen (first year - FY) and incoming undergraduate transfers (TR) receive training in orientation during the summer, and an online refresher program close to the start of the quarter. New undergraduates receive: the Bruin Support & Safety brochure, a new student handbook that includes the Student Conduct Code, and a "True Bruins Care" card with information on resources and support.

FYs: A 1-hr presentation from the Office of the Dean of Students that includes the definition of consent; the confidential resources and reporting options for students who are victims of sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, and stalking; reporting options for students who are victims of sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, and stalking; and potential sanctions for those found responsible.

A 2-hr comprehensive presentation that includes policies and procedures in regards to sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, and stalking as well as confidential resources, reporting options, and bystander intervention training.

An online alcohol and other drugs education program with a component on the policies as well as prevention of sexual violence (1.5 hours).

TRs: A 20-minute presentation from the Office of the Dean of Students with content similar to that includes the definition of consent; the confidential resources and reporting options for students who are victims of sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, and stalking; reporting options for students who are victims of sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, and stalking; and potential sanctions for those found responsible.

Two online alcohol and other drugs education programs with component on the policies as well as prevention of sexual violence including bystander intervention (takes approximately 3.5 hours)

Additionally, UCLA intends to provide refresher training annually to all students.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Partially Implemented

UCLA provides an online refresher program close to the start of the quarter. Further, UCLA intends to provide refresher training annually to all students.

All Recommendations in 2013-124

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.