Report 2013-120 Recommendation 10 Responses

Report 2013-120: Sterilization of Female Inmates: Some Inmates Were Sterilized Unlawfully, and Safeguards Designed to Limit Occurrences of the Procedure Failed (Release Date: June 2014)

Recommendation #10 To: Correctional Health Care Services, California

To ensure that inmates receive only medical services that are authorized through its utilization management process, the Receiver's Office should by October 31, 2014, train its scheduling staff to verify that the appropriate utilization management approvals are documented before they schedule a procedure that may result in sterilization.

6-Month Agency Response

The Utilization Management Program conducted a webinar training for all schedulers on September 8th and 15th titled "Sterilization of Female Inmates" and covered Gynecological Procedure Checklist / Sterilization Procedures. This training included a discussion on the requirement of obtaining Headquarter Utilization Management Committee determination approval, prior to scheduling. (See Attachment #2). The training will continue to be provided on annual basis.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

60-Day Agency Response

Proposed Action Plan:

Provide training no later than October 31st and annually thereafter.


Training will commence no later than October 31, 2014 and be held annually, at the time of the InterQual in-service for all established and new employees in Utilization Management and Scheduling.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

All Recommendations in 2013-120

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.