Report 2013-110 Recommendation 38 Responses
Report 2013-110: Child Welfare Services: The County Child Welfare Services Agencies We Reviewed Must Provide Better Protection for Abused and Neglected Children (Release Date: April 2014)
Recommendation #38 To: Orange County Social Services Agency
To promote the consistent application of agency policies and procedures, and to provide a consistent framework for its reviews, the quality assurance unit that monitors the Orange County CWS agency should complete its plans to develop and regularly use tools for examining the quality of investigative and ongoing casework.
1-Year Agency Response
The Quality Support Team (QST) has developed audit tools for Continuing Court programs, the Child Abuse Registry (CAR) Hotline, and Emergency Response (ER).
In order to examine the quality of investigative and ongoing casework the following audits are complete/in progress:
QST completed audits in August 2014 and February 2015, to monitor CAR Hotline tool usage and supervisory oversight.
QST completed audits in August 2014 and February 2015, to monitor the accuracy and completion of intake documents.
QST completed audits in September 2014 and March 2015, to ensure staff performed statutorily required background checks and inspections before allowing children to be placed in a home.
QST completed an audit in October 2014 and is in the progress of completing a second audit to monitor compliance with follow up visit attempt requirements.
QST completed an audit in October 2014, and is in the progress of completing a second audit to monitor usage of the Structured Decision Making (SDM) tools and supervisory oversight.
QST completed an audit in October 2014, and is in the progress of completing a second audit to monitor the quality of Safety Plans and supervisory oversight.
QST conducted audits in August 2014 and February 2015, of the Continuing Court programs to monitor quality practice and adherence to the policies and procedures.
- Estimated Completion Date: May 2015
- Response Date: April 2015
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
The Orange County CWS agency (agency) fully implemented this recommendation. The agency's quality assurance unit developed and is now using review tools to regularly examine the quality of investigations and ongoing casework.
6-Month Agency Response
The Quality Support Team (QST) has developed audit tools for Continuing Court programs, Child Abuse Registry (CAR) hotline, and Emergency Response (ER).
In order to examine the quality of investigative and ongoing casework the following audits are in progress/scheduled:
QST will complete audits in August 2014 and February 2015 to monitor CAR hotline tool usage and supervisory oversight.
QST will complete audits in August 2014 and February 2015 to monitor the accuracy and completion of intake documents.
QST will complete audits in September 2014 and March 2015 to ensure staff performed statutorily-required background checks and inspections before allowing children to be placed in a home.
QST will complete audits in October 2014 and April 2015 to monitor compliance with follow up attempt requirements.
QST will complete audits in October 2014 and April 2015 to monitor usage of the SDM tools and supervisory oversight.
QST will complete audits in October 2014 and April 2015 to monitor the quality of safety plans and supervisory oversight.
QST will conduct audits in August 2014 and February 2015 of the Continuing Court programs to monitor quality practice and adherence to the policies and procedures.
- Estimated Completion Date: April 2015
- Response Date: October 2014
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Partially Implemented
60-Day Agency Response
The Quality Support Team (QST) has developed an audit tool for Continuing Court programs. QST has developed a Child Abuse Registry (CAR) hotline audit tool that is close to being finalized. It is anticipated that it will be ready for use by the end of June 2014. QST is currently developing an audit tool for Emergency Response (ER) and its anticipated completion date is July 2014.
In order to examine the quality of investigative and ongoing casework the following audits are scheduled:
QST will complete audits in August 2014 and February 2015 to monitor CAR hotline tool usage and supervisory oversight.
QST will complete audits in August 2014 and February 2015 to monitor the accuracy and completion of intake documents.
QST will complete audits in October 2014 and April 2015 to monitor compliance with follow up attempt requirements,
QST will complete audits in October 2014 and April 2015 to monitor usage of the SDM tools and supervisory oversight.
QST will complete audits in October 2014 and April 2015 to monitor the quality of safety plans and supervisory oversight.
QST will conduct audits in August 2014 and February 2015 of the Continuing Court programs to monitor quality practice and adherence to the policies and procedures.
- Estimated Completion Date: April 2015
- Response Date: June 2014
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
All Recommendations in 2013-110
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.