Report 2013-036 Recommendation 16 Responses
Report 2013-036: Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund: Counties' Benefit Committees Did Not Always Comply With State Laws for Distribution Fund Grants (Release Date: March 2014)
Recommendation #16 To: Lake County
To ensure that the benefit committee members and other designated individuals comply with reform act requirements for filing statements of economic interests, the Lake, Riverside, and San Diego benefit committees filing officers should attend FPPC training so that they are aware of and meet the responsibilities under the reform act. Each of these benefit committees should also establish a formal process for ensuring that all required individuals file statements of economic interests. For example, each benefit committees filing officer should notify designated individuals of their responsibility to submit statements of economic interests and follow up with those who fail to file.
6-Month Agency Response
The responsibilities for completing all tasks related to finding statements of economic interests were transferred from the Committee/Administrative Office to the County Clerk/Auditor/Controller that has responsibility for filing statements for all other County entities. This transfer eliminates the need for training for benefit committee members as the County Clerks staff is already trained on these responsibilities.
- Completion Date: May 2014
- Response Date: December 2014
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Resolved
The Lake County benefit committee provided documentation demonstrating it designated the County Clerk as its filing officer.
All Recommendations in 2013-036
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.