Report 2012-120 Recommendation 9 Responses
Report 2012-120: State Water Resources Control Board: It Should Ensure a More Consistent Administration of the Water Quality Certification Program (Release Date: June 2013)
Recommendation #9 To: Water Resources Control Board
To improve its ability to allocate adequate resources to the certification program and better assess whether its budget is sufficient for program operations, the state water board should instruct regional water boards to accurately track staff time spent on the certification program.
1-Year Agency Response
We conducted an evaluation of the certifications programs and the legislature approved a budget change proposal for 10 additional PY to provide adequate resources for the 401 program. Additionally, we have developed program performance measures that will track and report on applications received, certifications issued, water quality violations and enforcement actions in future years. These performance measures will allow the Water Board to better assess the adequacy of its budget for the certification program.
- Completion Date: June 2014
- Response Date: June 2014
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
The state board also confirmed that it instructed regional water board staff to accurately track their time, which combined with the actions that the state board described, satisfies our recommendation.
6-Month Agency Response
Staff has prepared and submitted a budget change proposal to provide additional staff to ensure adequate resources to implement the 401 program.
Staff is developing performance measures to track and report on applications received, certifications issued, water quality violations and enforcement actions in future years. These performance measures, along with better tracking of staff time, will allow the Water Board to better assess the adequacy of its budget for the certification program.
- Estimated Completion Date: TBD
- Response Date: December 2013
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending
60-Day Agency Response
The Water Board is conducting an evaluation of the certifications programs needs and will seek an appropriate level of program resources through the budget process. Additionally, the Office of Research, Planning and Performance is developing performance metrics that will be used to track and report on applications received, certifications issued, water quality violations and enforcement actions in future years. These performance metrics, along with better tracking of staff time, will allow the Water Board to better assess the adequacy of its budget for the certification program.
- Estimated Completion Date: TBD
- Response Date: August 2013
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
All Recommendations in 2012-120
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.