Report 2012-120 Recommendation 11 Responses

Report 2012-120: State Water Resources Control Board: It Should Ensure a More Consistent Administration of the Water Quality Certification Program (Release Date: June 2013)

Recommendation #11 To: Water Resources Control Board

Because the water quality database is the primary system for meeting statutory reporting obligations for the certification program, the state water board should resolve its data entry backlog and ensure that the regional water boards enter all relevant information into the system, including information about the applications received, the certifications issued, monitoring activities, water quality violations, and enforcement actions.

6-Month Agency Response

Staff completed entering all outstanding data into the CIWQS database on July 15, 2013. Direction was given to the Regional Boards at the 401 Program Coordinating Committee and the Management Coordinating Committee that staff should enter all water quality certification data into CIWIQS in a timely fashion.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

60-Day Agency Response

Staff completed entering all outstanding data into the CIWQS database on July 15, 2013. Direction was given to the Regional Boards at the 401 Program Coordinating Committee and the Management Coordinating Committee that staff should enter all water quality certification data into CIWIQS in a timely fashion.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Partially Implemented

The state water board indicates that it is almost, but not completely, done addressing its data entry backlog. Further, its response indicates that the state water board only gave verbal direction rather than formal written direction to the regional water boards to enter all relevant information into the water quality database.

All Recommendations in 2012-120

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.