Report 2012-119 Recommendation 5 Responses

Report 2012-119: California Department of Veterans Affairs: It Has Initiated Plans to Serve Veterans Better and More Cost-Efficiently, but Further Improvements Are Needed (Release Date: May 2013)

Recommendation #5 To: Veterans Affairs, Department of

To better utilize unused space at the veterans homes, and to serve more veterans within legal restrictions, CalVet should use the information in the Yountville veterans home master plan to develop a plan for using unused space at that home to generate revenue and/or serve more veterans.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2019

CalVet is completing a master planning effort for the state's eight Veterans Homes. Among other topics, the Legislature directed the Department to evaluate uses of the Veterans Home properties. The project will be complete by December 31, 2019, in accordance with a legislative deadline for a report on the project. The final report will contain substantial discussion of opportunities and limitations. While the Veterans Homes must remain focused on their mission of providing long-term care, the master plan research may identify other ways in which the Department may appropriately provide services to veterans. The plan may in the future lead to the development of proposals related to CalVet programming, levels of care, bed allocations, or property use.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Pending

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2018

CalVet has taken significant steps to pursue the priorities in the Yountville Facilities Master Plan, primarily a new skilled nursing building for the Yountville Home. The Legislature allocated funding through the 2018-19 state budget process for CalVet to pursue certain refined planning steps for a new 240-bed facility on the property. The Department is in the process of developing performance criteria and working with a master architect. CalVet also has taken the necessary formal steps to obtain federal funding for the building.

Simultaneously, CalVet is undergoing a legislatively requested audit of the Department's leases related to Veterans Home properties, primarily in Yountville. CalVet is awaiting the results of the audit and is conducting its own internal evaluation, including defining future parameters, expectations, and improved policies for leasing space in manners that complement the long-term care services offered on the properties.

Also, CalVet obtained legislative authority with the 2018-19 budget to relocate Domiciliary residents in Yountville to private rooms in order to approve quality of life, and has been completing this effort over the past few months.

Finally, CalVet has embarked on a comprehensive needs assessment research project that will lead to identification of additional ideas, proposals, and opportunities for the future of the Veterans Home properties. The project will be complete by December 31, 2019, in accordance with a legislative deadline for a report on the project. The final report will contain substantial discussion of opportunities and limitations, and may in the future lead to the development of proposals related to CalVet programming, levels of care, bed allocations, or property use.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Pending

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From November 2017

CalVet continues to make efforts towards the long term planning and future use of the Yountville Veterans Home. Over the past twelve-month period CalVet has accomplished the following:

- Completed a full budget package for the construction of a 420-bed skilled nursing building. The proposed building would provide space for the residents of Yountville's existing skilled nursing program, including memory care, and the intermediate care program. The budget package was completed March 31, 2017.

- Submitted a request within the state's normal budget cycle for the funding of the skilled nursing building.

- Extended the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs pre application grant for the funding of the skilled nursing building.

- Relocating domiciliary residents to single bedrooms within existing resources.

- Evaluated the potential opportunities for public-private partnerships and the long term use of the facility.

- Implementation of an ESCO state supported energy project that reduces the need for energy and improves the reliability of energy related system within the Yountville Veterans Home.

Continue with an ongoing review of the Master plan as the Department continues to evaluate opportunities that are feasible as well as consistent with the long term mission.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Pending

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2016

Due to the age of the campus, its infrastructure and significant real estate at Yountville, CalVet contracted with HOK Architects for the development a comprehensive Facility Master Plan Evaluation at the Yountville Home. The master plan evaluation was to identify potential ongoing facility needs, efficient long term planning, and options for potential revenue generating. The effort was to utilize evaluation techniques and processes commonly used in local government regional planning or urban planning processes.

To date the following actions have been taken in regards to the recommendations:

- Within current resources permit Domiciliary residents an opportunity for single bedroom occupancy.

- Identify additional opportunities for single bedroom occupancy that do not significantly impact the general fund.

- Continued revision of lease agreements to reflect current fair market value and return revenue generated by these leases to the general fund.

- Approved funding for the renovation of the Main kitchen within the FY 16/17 budget

- Budget package for a new SNF Building approved by DOF June 2016.

- Submitted a preapplication grant application with the USDVA for the purpose of funding a new skilled nursing facility on the facility grounds.

- Complete roof repair of the Holderman Building and Main Dining Room

- Requested an energy evaluation to be conducted by DGS at all CalVet homes in regards to energy efficiencies.

- CalVet is currently in the process of performing a campus wide state historical evaluation conducted by the State Historic Preservation Office. This evaluation allows approval for future renovation or construction among the sensitive historic structures on campus.

An ongoing review of the plan continues as CalVet continues to evaluate opportunities that are feasible as well as consistent with the long term mission.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Not Fully Implemented

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From September 2015

In addition to the measures reported in the previous update, such as including a new skilled nursing building in the Department's five-year capital outlay plan and obtaining a site-wide historic evaluation of the property, CalVet also has begun an assessment of the Yountville Veterans Home McKinley Building. This assessment will aid the Department in defining the future use of this building and planning any capital outlay projects needed prior to its use.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Not Fully Implemented

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2014

The master plan has been evaluated internally. To date the following actions have been taken; a new SNF building has been included in the Department's five year capital outlay plan. A pre-application for a new SNF Building has been submitted to the USDVA Construction Grant Program. A site-wide historic evaluation has been conducted by the State Historic Preservation Office. The evaluation provides guidance when renovation activities occur to protect the site's historic value. In addition a water management plan is underway for the Rector Dam to include water management strategies as well as an evaluation of any potential new customers that can be accommodated within the current permit. Completion of the water management plan is anticipated for December 31, 2014.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Not Fully Implemented

1-Year Agency Response

The master plan has been evaluated internally. To date the following actions have been taken; a new SNF building has been included in the Department's five year capital outlay plan. A pre-application for a new SNF Building has been submitted to the USDVA Construction Grant Program. A site-wide historic evaluation has been conducted by the State Historic Preservation Office. The evaluation provides guidance when renovation activities occur to protect the site's historic value. In addition a water management plan is underway for the Rector Dam to include water management strategies as well as an evaluation of any potential new customers that can be accommodated within the current permit. Completion of the water management plan is anticipated for December 31, 2014.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Partially Implemented

6-Month Agency Response

The master plan remains in the process of internal evaluation, certain recommendations regarding infrastructure and renovation have been incorporated into the Departments capital outlay five year plan. The master plan has also been made available to the public. The plan has been submitted to members of the Veteran Services Committees as well as made available to the Allied Council and residents of the Veterans home. Copies of the master plan have been made available to local legislative leaders as well as the leadership of the Town of Yountville. Preliminary meetings with the Town of Yountville leadership have occurred to understand any relevant concerns regarding implementation of certain components of the plan. Based on a recent Federal ruling the use of any USDVA funded projects shall be evaluated for their appropriateness and compliance with the new ruling will be evaluated within any lease.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending

60-Day Agency Response

CalVet is currently in the process of evaluating the Yountville Veterans home master plan for opportunities to increase revenue and increase services to veterans. Once an internal evaluation has been completed the Department intends to formally incorporate a specific set of milestones and objectives into the Departments strategic plan by the summer of 2013. Preliminary review of the Yountville master plan is currently underway.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

All Recommendations in 2012-119

Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.