Report 2012-105 Recommendation 19 Responses
Report 2012-105: Departments of Public Health and Social Services: Weaknesses in the Administration of the Child Health and Safety Fund and the State Children's Trust Fund Limit Their Effectiveness (Release Date: November 2012)
Recommendation #19 To: Social Services, Department of
To ensure compliance with the state law that requires the office to publish certain trust fund information, Social Services should require the office to establish procedures to ensure inclusion on its Web site of all programs and services it funded using the trust fund.
6-Month Agency Response
CDSS/OCAP has established procedures to ensure the inclusion on its Web site of all programs and services it funded using the trust fund. See Attachment C for a copy of those procedures. The CDSS/OCAP Web site has been modified to include comprehensive information about the programs funded by SCTF. See Attachment D, which is a printout screen of the document posted on the Web site and that summarizes all of the programs. Each program can be accessed for detailed information by clicking on its title.
- Completion Date: December 2012
- Response Date: June 2013
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented
60-Day Agency Response
Social Services stated that the office has ensured that the Web site provides information on all the programs and services financed with all the fund sources it administers, including those financed wholly or in part by the trust fund.
- Response Date: January 2013
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
Social Services did not provide a copy of the procedures it established to ensure the inclusion on the office's Web site of all programs and services it funded using the trust fund.
All Recommendations in 2012-105
Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.