Report 2010-125 Recommendation 13 Responses
Report 2010-125: State Lands Commission: Because It Has Not Managed Public Lands Effectively, the State Has Lost Millions in Revenue for the General Fund (Release Date: August 2011)
Recommendation #13 To: Lands Commission, State
To improve its monitoring of leases, the commission should create and implement a policy, including provisions for supervisory review, to ensure that the information in the Application Lease Information Database (ALID) is complete, accurate, and consistently entered to allow for the retrieval of reliable lease information. To do so, the commission should consult another public lands leasing entity, such as the Department of General Services, to obtain best practices for a lease-tracking database.
1-Year Agency Response
The commission indicated that the accuracy of the information included in its database continues to improve. According to the commission, as part of its quality control process, the two staff entering data into ALID verify and validate the other’s data entry. In addition, the commission stated that other staff have been assigned to audit and validate the information in ALID and management within land management review all input and routinely access the database. The commission also indicated that it participated in a round table discussion with numerous other state agencies that manage significant land holdings and that part of the discussion was devoted to best practices for tracking state properties. Finally, the commission stated that it is currently upgrading the database from MS Access to a net web interface to improve accessibility by all staff. (See 2013-406, p. 206)
- Response Date: August 2012
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
All Recommendations in 2010-125
Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.