Report 2010-119 Recommendation 9 Responses
Report 2010-119: Commission on Teacher Credentialing: Despite Delays in Discipline of Teacher Misconduct, the Division of Professional Practices Has Not Developed an Adequate Strategy or Implemented Processes That Will Safeguard Against Future Backlogs (Release Date: April 2011)
Recommendation #9 To: Teacher Credentialing, California Commission on
To ensure that it can effectively process its workload in the future, the commission should collect the data needed to identify the staffing levels necessary to accommodate its workload.
1-Year Agency Response
According to the commission, its Credentialing Automation System Enterprise (database) now captures every case assignment to staff, every common activity completed by staff, and each change in staff assignment as a case moves through the review process. The commission also stated that it standardized and implemented changes to its work processes, reorganized the staff of the division, restructured the management team to narrow the span of control and increase accountability, and submitted numerous policies regarding cases to the commission for its decision. Further, according to the commission, because of serious budget constraints caused by its decrease in revenue, any increase in staffing levels must be achieved through the redirection of existing resources within the commission or increasing the efficiencies within the division. Although the commission indicated that the data collected within the division will support a workload study, it has yet to perform one. (See 2013-406, p. 52)
- Response Date: August 2012
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
All Recommendations in 2010-119
Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.