Report 2010-119 Recommendation 5 Responses
Report 2010-119: Commission on Teacher Credentialing: Despite Delays in Discipline of Teacher Misconduct, the Division of Professional Practices Has Not Developed an Adequate Strategy or Implemented Processes That Will Safeguard Against Future Backlogs (Release Date: April 2011)
Recommendation #5 To: Teacher Credentialing, California Commission on
The division should ensure that its reports and practices provide adequate information to facilitate prompt requests for information surrounding reports of misconduct from law enforcement agencies, the courts, schools, and knowledgeable individuals.
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From August 2012
In its one-year response, the commission stated that at its January 2012 meeting, it reviewed a “dashboard measurement” tool for setting performance measures for critical stages of the division's business processes. It also presented proposed targets to perform vital tasks, such as for requesting documents related to the misconduct from the appropriate entities, as well as a sample report on performance measures that displays targets, cycle times, and volumes. However, the commission stated that to implement the dashboard requires revisions to the database, which will not be completed until the summer of 2012.
In an August 2012 update, the commission indicated that it had actually developed and was using two dashboards to provide data about the promptness of handling cases. According to the commission, one dashboard is for the commission's use in exercising its oversight responsibilities for discipline cases and measures three key stages of the division's workload: intake of mail, case management, and review by the committee. It also stated that each item on the dashboard gives three critical measurements: volume of work, average time for the work, and the goal for timely action. Further, the commission indicated that it developed and is using a second dashboard that focuses on key areas within the intake unit, which experiences the highest volume of work, to provide managers and staff with an easy to view method of seeing progress and problems.
- Completion Date: August 2012
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Fully Implemented
All Recommendations in 2010-119
Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.