Report 2010-112 Recommendation 8 Responses

Report 2010-112: Employment Development Department: Its Unemployment Program Has Struggled to Effectively Serve California's Unemployed in the Face of Significant Workload and Fiscal Challenges (Release Date: March 2011)

Recommendation #8 To: Employment Development Department

To better track and improve the timeliness of determinations for the training benefits program and to assist claimants in understanding self arranged training requirements, the department should take measures to ensure that its staff correctly enter all data into the training benefits program's streamline database.

1-Year Agency Response

The department reported that it had made corrections to the database to ensure that data fields are validated and to prevent blank or empty fields. Our follow-up review assessed the data in the streamline database, and the department appears to have corrected the issues we initially identified. (2013-406, p. 129)

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in 2010-112

Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.