Report 2010-106 Recommendation 14 Responses
Report 2010-106: Dymally-Alatorre Bilingual Services Act: State Agencies Do Not Fully Comply With the Act, and Local Governments Could Do More to Address Their Clients' Needs (Release Date: November 2010)
Recommendation #14 To: Motor Vehicles, Department of
To ensure that they meet their constituents' language needs, state agencies should make certain that they accurately assess and report their clients' language needs to the State Personnel Board. State agencies should also analyze formally their language survey results and consider other available bilingual resources to determine their true staffing deficiencies. Further, state agencies should establish procedures to identify the written materials that the Act requires them to translate into other languages and ensure that such materials are translated or made accessible to the agencies' LEP clients. Finally, state agencies should develop detailed corrective action plans describing how and when they will address their staffing and written materials deficiencies. In addition, they should submit their corrective action plans to the State Personnel Board as part of the state agencies' overall implementation plans.
1-Year Agency Response
The Department of Motor Vehicles (Motor Vehicles) participated in the 2010 language survey and submitted an implementation plan to the Personnel Board in 2011. Motor Vehicles reported that it implemented improved procedures and incorporated additional checks and balances for the 2010 language survey to ensure that it accurately assessed and reported its LEP clients' language needs to the Personnel Board. In addition, Motor Vehicles formally analyzed its language survey results California State Auditor Report 2012-406 March 2012 and established procedures for identifying written materials that require translation. Finally, Motor Vehicles' prepared a corrective action plan describing how and when it will address its staffing and written materials deficiencies. (See 2012-406 p.68-69)
- Response Date: November 2011
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
All Recommendations in 2010-106
Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.