Report 2010-102 Recommendation 36 Responses
Report 2010-102: Administrative Office of the Courts: The Statewide Case Management Project Faces Significant Challenges Due to Poor Project Management (Release Date: February 2011)
Recommendation #36 To: Administrative Office of the Courts
To ensure that future major IT projects receive appropriate independent oversight over technical aspects and project management, the AOC should ensure that independent oversight is not restricted in any manner and that all parties—the IV&V and IPO consultants, senior management, the project management team, and the development vendor—understand that the IV&V and IPO consultants are to have complete access to all project materials.
1-Year Agency Response
The AOC stated it will work closely with the Technology Agency on all future IT projects that will have a cost in excess of $5 million, and will carefully consider its recommendations for such projects, including those relating to oversight and risk mitigation. (See 2013-406, p. 145)
- Response Date: November 2012
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
All Recommendations in 2010-102
Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.