Report 2010-102 Recommendation 30 Responses

Report 2010-102: Administrative Office of the Courts: The Statewide Case Management Project Faces Significant Challenges Due to Poor Project Management (Release Date: February 2011)

Recommendation #30 To: Administrative Office of the Courts

Before embarking on future statewide IT initiatives and to ensure it secures appropriate support from users of the systems being proposed, the AOC should if necessary, determine whether other stakeholders, including local and state justice partners, support the IT initiative.

1-Year Agency Response

The AOC stated its Project Review Board is to ensure that all branch-wide technology projects follow a structured analysis protocol that will produce the information required to adequately assess the need for and value of the project proposal. The AOC further stated court and stakeholder surveys will be included in this structured analysis protocol. (See 2013-406, p. 143)

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in 2010-102

Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.