Report 2010-102 Recommendation 26 Responses

Report 2010-102: Administrative Office of the Courts: The Statewide Case Management Project Faces Significant Challenges Due to Poor Project Management (Release Date: February 2011)

Recommendation #26 To: Administrative Office of the Courts

Although the Judicial Council has the legal authority to compel the courts to adopt CCMS, to better foster superior court receptiveness to deploying CCMS, the AOC should use the results from its consultant’s survey of the superior courts to identify and better understand the courts’ input and concerns regarding CCMS, including the manner in which the project has been managed by the AOC. To the extent the survey results indicate courts have significant concerns regarding CCMS or that they believe their case management systems will serve them for the foreseeable future, the AOC should take steps to address these concerns and overcome any negative perceptions and modify its deployment plan for CCMS accordingly.

1-Year Agency Response

In March 2012 the Judicial Council voted to halt deployment of CCMS; thus, this recommendation is no longer relevant. (See 2013-406, p. 141)

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Will Not Implement

All Recommendations in 2010-102

Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.