Report 2009-042 Recommendation 2 Responses

Report 2009-042: Children's Hospital Program: Procedures for Awarding Grants Are Adequate, but Some Improvement Is Needed in Managing Grants and Complying With the Governor's Bond Accountability Program (Release Date: May 2009)

Recommendation #2 To: Health Facilities Financing Authority, California

To ensure that it meets the objectives contained in the program regulations for the completion of grant-funded projects, including obtaining certification that projects are completed and grants do not exceed project costs, the authority should take the steps necessary to ensure that it promptly executes its project completion checklist, determines any additional steps it needs to perform to close out grants, and finalizes and implements the necessary steps to ensure that grant closeout procedures are followed.

1-Year Agency Response

The authority stated that after it receives certification by the grantee that the project is complete and receives the supporting documents required by the regulations, the authority begins execution of the project completion checklist within 10 business days of receiving these documents from the grantee. When completing the checklist, the authority determines whether any additional steps are needed to close out the grant. The authority stated that it employs its best efforts to close out grants within 90 days of receiving the closing documents. To the extent that the grantees' ability to supply documents or information delays closure of the grant beyond 90 days, the authority will take all steps necessary to close the grant as soon as is reasonably practicable. (See 2011-406 p. 57)

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in 2009-042

Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.