Report 2008-113 Recommendation 9 Responses
Report 2008-113: Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board: It Has Begun Improving the Victim Compensation Program, but More Remains to Be Done (Release Date: December 2008)
Recommendation #9 To: Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board, California
To improve its success at obtaining requested information from verifying entities, the board should develop specific procedures for staff to use when following up with verifying entities, including appropriate time frames for following up as well as the number of attempts the staff should complete.
1-Year Agency Response
In its 60-day response, the board identified two problems that led to delays in processing. The first was the lack of necessary information on applications that precludes the board from beginning to process the applications. The second was the untimely submission of information from providers regarding verification information and from law enforcement regarding crime reports. The board stated that it was developing an on-line application to deal with the problem regarding incomplete applications. The board also stated that it was developing a new procedure manual that would provide step-by-step instructions for staff to follow when verifying applications and bills, including time frames for follow-up. In its one-year response, the board reported that it has completed the on-line application design and testing and successfully piloted the application in four counties. The board stated that it is planning the rollout to the remaining counties in the second quarter of 2010. The board stated that it expects the on-line application to speed processing because it provides help to applicants so they can provide all the required information. Additionally, the board reported that it has completed the procedure manual. The procedure manual provides specific guidance for when and how often staff should follow up with verifying entities. (2010-406, p. 220)
- Response Date: December 2009
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
All Recommendations in 2008-113
Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.