Report 2008-113 Recommendation 23 Responses
Report 2008-113: Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board: It Has Begun Improving the Victim Compensation Program, but More Remains to Be Done (Release Date: December 2008)
Recommendation #23 To: Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board, California
To ensure that the board appropriately carries out its outreach efforts, it should consider demographic and crime statistics information when developing outreach strategies.
1-Year Agency Response
In its six-month response, the board reported that it completed its Comprehensive Communication and Outreach Plan and had begun implementation. According to the board, the final plan was developed in partnership with the directors of the county victim witness assistance programs and JP units throughout the State, considered many demographic and crime statistics, and was shared with a variety of victim advocacy groups and other stakeholders. (2010-406, p. 224)
- Response Date: December 2009
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
All Recommendations in 2008-113
Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.