Report 2008-113 Recommendation 17 Responses
Report 2008-113: Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board: It Has Begun Improving the Victim Compensation Program, but More Remains to Be Done (Release Date: December 2008)
Recommendation #17 To: Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board, California
To increase the number of applicants who work through assistance centers, the board should emphasize the advantages of doing so whenever possible.
1-Year Agency Response
As stated in its one-year follow-up response, the board emphasizes the advantages of victims working with their local victim assistance centers on its website, in its brochures and at outreach events. Further, the board has increased the number of non-JP counties served by its existing 21 JP offices (20 counties and one city) from 23 in 2008 to 27 in 2010. In addition, to keep services local, and provide the fastest, most efficient service to applicants, applications received at headquarters are transferred to the JP whose office handles the county where the crime occurred is now its standard process. The ultimate result of these actions is that local JPs process eligibility and losses for most applications generated by crimes in 47 of the 58 California counties. (2010-041, p. 139)
- Response Date: December 2009
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
All Recommendations in 2008-113
Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.