Report 2008-109 Recommendation 1 Responses
Report 2008-109: California Department of Education: Although It Generally Provides Appropriate Oversight of the Special Education Hearings and Mediations Process, a Few Areas Could Be Improved (Release Date: December 2008)
Recommendation #1 To: Education, Department of
To ensure that Administrative Hearings complies with state and federal law, as well as with the specifications in its interagency agreement, Education, in its oversight role, should continue to work with Administrative Hearings to ensure that it reports all the required information in its quarterly reports and that its database contains accurate and complete information for reporting purposes.
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From January 2012
In order to ensure that the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) reports all the required information and complies with all reporting requirements dictated by law and the interagency agreement, since January 2009, the CDE has been routinely reconciling the data elements contained in the quarterly reports submitted by OAH to the data elements required by the interagency agreement between CDE and OAH. (See 2011-041 p. 27)
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Fully Implemented
All Recommendations in 2008-109
Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.