Report 2008-102 Recommendation 10 Responses
Report 2008-102: Office of Spill Prevention and Response: It Has Met Many of Its Oversight and Response Duties, but Interaction With Local Government, the Media, and Volunteers Needs Improvement (Release Date: August 2008)
Recommendation #10 To: Fish and Wildlife, Department of
To the extent that hazardous waste training requirements are a barrier to maintaining sufficient numbers of trained staff, the spill office should continue to clarify with Cal/OSHA whether reduced requirements for hazardous waste training are acceptable for volunteers assisting on recovery teams, and should consider working with the wildlife network to ensure that this training is widely available to potential volunteers before a spill.
1-Year Agency Response
Cal/OSHA responded to the spill offices questions about the level of hazardous waste training necessary for wildlife rescue volunteers. Cal/OSHA indicated that the hazardous waste training could not be reduced from the level currently required, but that untrained volunteers could be used in support roles for wildlife rescue efforts. (2010-406, p. 196)
- Response Date: August 2009
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
All Recommendations in 2008-102
Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.