Report 2007-121 Recommendation 7 Responses
Report 2007-121: Veterans Home of California at Yountville: It Needs Stronger Planning and Oversight in Key Operational Areas, and Some Processes for Resolving Complaints Need Improvement (Release Date: April 2008)
Recommendation #7 To: Veterans Affairs, Department of
To bolster recruitment efforts at the Veterans Home, Veterans Affairs should continue to develop its department-wide recruiting plan and oversee the recruiting plan the Veterans Home is implementing to ensure that it meets department-wide goals.
1-Year Agency Response
Veterans Affairs created a department-wide recruiting program that includes its recruiting mission and goals, as well as information about program coordination, roles and responsibilities, and recruitment techniques and strategies. The recruiting program also establishes a recruitment program officer to coordinate Veterans Affairs’ recruitment efforts. Among other things, the recruitment program officer is responsible to assist offices and divisions and the Veterans Homes with focused recruitment, monitoring recruitment costs, preparing reports regarding recruitment goal attainment, and developing Veterans Affairs’ annual recruitment plan. (2010-406, p. 28)
- Response Date: June 2009
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
All Recommendations in 2007-121
Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.