Report 2007-121 Recommendation 11 Responses
Report 2007-121: Veterans Home of California at Yountville: It Needs Stronger Planning and Oversight in Key Operational Areas, and Some Processes for Resolving Complaints Need Improvement (Release Date: April 2008)
Recommendation #11 To: Veterans Board, California
To ensure that all complaints against the Veterans Home submitted to the Veterans Board are promptly resolved, the Veterans Board should specify a time frame for resolving complaints in its new policy for complaint resolution and ensure it implements the policy.
1-Year Agency Response
The Veterans Board revised its policy concerning complaints to specify a time frame for resolving complaints. Under its revised policy, the board chair will respond to the complainant through the board executive officer within 10 business days if the complaint does not require board deliberation and action. If board action is required, the response will be provided within 10 days following the next board meeting. If the board chair deems that the complaint requires more urgent action, a special meeting by teleconference may be convened. If the complaint concerns Veterans Affairs’ operations, it will be forwarded to the deputy secretary for resolution. The revised policy calls for Veterans Affairs to provide a response to the complainant with a copy to the board within 10 business days of Veterans Affairs’ receipt of the complaint. (2010-406, p. 30)
- Response Date: June 2009
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
All Recommendations in 2007-121
Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.